
1933《盗尸者》(The Ghoul )1933《Friday the Thirteenth》1934《复仇者》(Thunder in the Air)1934《The King of Paris 》1934《Java Head 》1934《The Return of Bulldog Drummond》1936《科幻双故事片》(Things to Come)1936《制造奇迹的人》( The Man Who Could Work Miracles)1937《Thunder in the City 》1938《X女士的离异》( The Divorce of Lady X)1938《South Riding 》1938《堡垒》(The Citadel )1939《有翼的狮子》(The Lion Has Wings)1939《秘密飞行》(Q Planes)1939《四片羽毛》(The Four Feathers)1939《On the Night of the Fire)1943《银色港湾》(The Silver Fleet )1946《秘密飞行》(School for Secrets)1948《安娜·卡列尼娜》(Anna Karenina)1948《堕落的偶像》(The Fallen Idol )1949《女继承人》(The Heiress )1950《Cricket》(旁白)1052《Home at Seven》1952《一飞冲天》(The Sound Barrier)1952《圣诞述异》(The Holly and the Ivy)1955《理查三世 》(Richard III)1957《The Passionate Stranger 》1959《我们在哈瓦那的人》(Our Man in Havana)1960《Oscar Wilde 》1960《出埃及记》(Exodus)1962《长夜漫漫路迢迢》(Long Day's Journey Into Night )1962《300斯巴达战士》(The 300 Spartans)1964《玉面金刚布美人计》(Woman of Straw)1965《日瓦戈医生》(Doctor Zhivago)1966《不是这个盒子》(The Wrong Box)1966《沙漠龙虎会》(Khartoum)1969《Midas Run 》1969《多可爱的战争》(Oh! What a Lovely War )1969《不列颠之战》(Battle of Britain)1969《光荣战役》(The Bed-Sitting Room )1971《Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? )1972《笼中鹰》(Eagle in a Cage)1972《痴情佳人》(Lady Caroline Lamb )1972《慑魄惊魂》(Tales from the Crypt)1972《爱丽斯梦游仙境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)1973《多尔的房子》(A Doll's House)1973《幸运儿》(O Lucky Man!)1975《滚球大战》(Rollerball )1977《铁面王子》(The Man in the Iron Mask)1977《拿撒勒的耶稣》(Jesus of Nazareth)1978《沃特希普荒原》(Watership Down ) (配音)1981《魔幻屠龙》(Dragonslayer)1981《时间劫匪》(Time Bandits )1984《泰山王子》(Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes)1984《向百老汇致敬》(Give My Regards to Broad Street )

