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A League One pick for today! 周二英甲分享





星期三2022-03-23 03:45


Hosts should win here.

Plymouth is full of confidence after winning the last 5 games played without conceding a single goal. They are now seated 4th on the table and why not, fighting for direct promotion to the Championship.

They changed the coach some months ago and it seems that Steven Schumacher is doing well, as he achieved to put this team in the top positions.

For this match they will miss a couple of regular players due to international duty - Camara and Jephcott. Anyway, coach Schumacher has confidence that the subs can do it well, as they are doing recently, and take the chance to achieve their place in the team.

On the other hand, Cheltenham is just playin for fun and their pride. Are sitting in the middle of the table, 17 points above relegation and below the playoffs with just 8 matches remaining to play, so the season is over for them. Their campaign has been successful, as they are back from League Two, so avoiding relegation several rounds of margin is a big success for them.

They aren’t an easy team to beat due the amount of goals they score (they have the second topscorer of the league - May Alfie - but I believe that Plymouth can handle them, especially due to their great moment at the back with 5 games in a row without concede a goal. Cheltenham is a very weak team in defense, they have conceded 61 goals in 38 games so far (same as other relegation teams like Wimbledon) so Plymouth should be able to score goals here.

Quality and motivation is on the home side, who are right now the most in-form team in the league if we look at the last 5 and 10 matches. Guests have no motivation and much less quality so we should see a home win here. Plymouth already won the previous game played against Cheltenham a few months ago 0:2.


普利茅斯最近5场比赛一球未失,信心满满。他们现在在积分榜上排在第 4 位,为直接升级名额而战。



另一方面,切尔滕纳姆只为了荣誉而战。他们排在积分榜中游,比降级高出 17 分,比季后赛区低 17 分,现在只剩下 8 场比赛,所以赛季对他们来说已经结束了。他们的赛季取得了成功,因为他们已经从乙级联赛回来了,所以避免降级对他们是很大的成功。

由于他们的进球数量,他们不是一支容易被击败的球队,他们拥有联赛第二的射手 - May Alfie - 但我相信普利茅斯可以应付他们,特别是因为他们在 5 场比赛中的出色表现连续不失球。切尔滕纳姆是一支防守非常薄弱的​​球队,到目前为止他们在38场比赛中丢了61个球(与温布尔登等其他保级球队一样),所以普利茅斯应该可以在这里进球。

实力和动力在主队,如果我们看看过去的 5 场和 10 场比赛,他们现在是联盟中状态最好的球队。客队没有动力,实力也更差,所以我们应该可以期待主队获胜。普利茅斯在几个月前对阵切尔滕纳姆的比赛中已经以 2:0 获胜。
