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Confident pick with important info! 荷乙海牙VS特尔斯达





星期二2022-03-22 03:00


This is a great chance for Den Haag, as Telstar has several problems today.

Den Haag is having a decent season, sitting in the playoff zone. They are the third game of the league with more victories so far (17 in 29 games), in spite of the fact that they have played two less games than the other teams.

Without the penalty from Federation (-6 points) they would be in the top positions of the league, fighting for the title.

Today they need the three points again as they are winless in the last 4 games with 2 draws and 2 defeats (three of those 4 teams are in the first 5 positions of the league).

Telstar is the main reason for this pick. They have nothing in play already as they are so far from the promotion zone. They played against Dordrecht just 3 days ago, and today they have a difficult fixture.

They have been the whole season dealing with injuries, covid or flu, and today have 7 players out for different reasons (mainy flu), while other veterans (like striker Glynor Plet) can’t play two games in 4 days. Another player is doubtful too - Rein Smit - he received a blow in the head in the last game and according to the rules of the Federation, can't make efforts/play in 7 days.

Telstar is a very offensive team, they don't care to play against a top squad or a weak one, they will play offensively as coach said. That’s why they have conceded 56 goals so far and suffered defeats against top teams, like 2:5 vs Excelsior.

In the club also the situation isn’t better, most probably the coach will leave the team as their agreement expires this season and there’re no intentions to renew it. So the team is just enjoying themselves, without ambitions and paying offensively.

Telstar is a weaker side with many problems for today. Apart from the fact that they have been missing these players in the match played 3 days ago, the starters today will be exhausted due to lack of rotations. Hosts should win easily here.


海牙处在附加赛位置,度过了一个不错的赛季。尽管他们比其他球队少赛两场比赛,他们是迄今为止胜场第三的球队(29 场比赛中有 17 场)。

如果没有受到处罚(-6 分),他们将处于前列,为冠军而战。

今天他们再次需要三分,因为他们在过去 4 场比赛中 2 平 2 负不胜(这 4 支球队中有 3 支处于联赛前 5 位)。


整个赛季都在处理伤病、新冠病毒或流感,今天有 7 名球员因不同原因(主要是流感)缺席,而其他老将(如前锋 Glynor Plet)不能在 4 天内连续两场比赛保持同样的水平。另一名球员——Rein Smit——出战存疑,他在上一场比赛中头部受到了打击,根据联盟的规则,7天内无法恢复不能出场。

特尔斯达是一支进攻性很强的球队,他们不在乎与强队或弱队交手,他们会按照教练布置的那样进攻。这就是为什么他们到目前为止已经丢了 56 个球,在对阵顶级球队时遭遇了失败,比如 2:5 输给 Excelsior。


