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Another good pick from England





星期六2022-02-26 20:30


Tottenham have been hard to understand under Conte - a team that can score 3 on the road vs. Man City and earning 3 points and failing to score against Burnley a few days later is definitely something outside the logic. .

However, I tend to believe that in this case with Leeds Tottenham may have the perfect opponent to face.

Marcelo Bielsa's team has been storming towards relegation at full throttle and made another great step towards their “target” with a 0-6 emberassment at Anfield vs. Liverpool. The locker room atmosphere is surely close to sub zero now and with the team picking only 1 point from the last 5 rounds, I don’t see how on earth the manager could lift their spirits up over in a matter of 4 days. At the moment Leeds have the worst defensive line in the entire competition - 56 conceded goals is worse than Watford (47) or Norwich (55), who are waiting down there in the bottom 3 zone.

To justify Tottenham’s amazing 4 (!) defeats in the last 5 rounds I’d have to mention teams that they had to face in “alphabetical order” - Chelsea, Southampton, Wolverhampton and Burnley. 3 of them are in the list of most in-form teams in EPL over the last month. It does not mean these failures should be underrated, however, what I am aiming at - is that Tottenham’s actual potential lies somewhere between those 4 defeats and the impressive 3-2 win against Man City.

Leeds in their current state should not be able to cause too many issues to Conte’s team. I am more than certain that the Italian has got the situation under firm control regardless of recent mishaps, unlike his Chilean colleague.

1.85 odds on average for the away win is a juicy odds indeed.

托特纳姆热刺在孔蒂的带领下很难理​​解——一支能够在客场对阵曼城的比赛中得到 3 分并在几天后对阵伯恩利的比赛中未能得分的球队,这绝对是不合逻辑的事情。 .


贝尔萨的球队一直在全速降级,并在安菲尔德对阵利物浦的比赛中以 0-6 的尴尬向他们的“目标”迈出了一大步。更衣室的气氛现在肯定接近零分,球队在最后 5 轮比赛中只拿到 1 分,我看不出主教练怎么能在 4 天之内振作起来。目前,利兹联的防线是整场比赛中最差的——56个失球比沃特福德(47)或诺维奇(55)还要糟糕,后者在后三区等着。

为了证明托特纳姆热刺在过去 5 轮比赛中惊人的 4 场(!)失利,我不得不提一下他们必须按“字母顺序”面对的球队——切尔西、南安普顿、伍尔弗汉普顿和伯恩利。其中 3 支在上个月的 EPL 中处于最佳状态的球队名单中。这并不意味着这些失败应该被低估,然而,我的目标是——托特纳姆热刺的实际潜力介于这四场失利和令人印象深刻的 3-2 战胜曼城之间。


客场获胜的平均赔率为 1.85,这确实是一个不错的选择。
