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Lets get a morning win here





星期日2022-01-16 19:00


Nacional da Madeira started the season really bad the season with the coach Costinha who was already champion coaching Nacional few seasons ago and the president thought that he could make it again, but after few games he decided to sack Costinha and then decided to bring Rui Borges who was sacked from Academica for bad results aswell but who did a very good job in the last season for Academica fighting until the end for the 3rd place that gives acess to the play-offs. The team improved a lot since Rui Borges arrived, but at home they are feeling some problems to create more goal chances and luckily in the last game they scored in the first 2 minutes, but then they did not make more shots in 60 minutes, and then Rui Correia scored the best goal of the season for sure, before the midfield. Their last 2 games at home did not convince me, the first against Leixoes where I expected Nacional to destroy this weak Leixoes that had a lot of absences, they won 2-0 but they were very effective. For this game they have 2 very important absences, one of the best defensive midfielders of the 2nd League Danilovic who deserves to play in the 1st League easily and the centre-back that scored that amazing goal Rui Correia for accumulation of yellows.

Probable line-up: Antonio Filipe; Ruben Freitas - Julio Cesar - Rafael Vieira - Witi; Alhassan - Francisco Ramos - Vitor Gonçalves; Joao Camacho - Marco Matias and Bryan Rochez.

SL Benfica B are at the moment in the 1st place of the competition with the same points as Casa Pia and with less 1 game than them. The coach Nelson Verissimo was doing an incredible job in Benfica B and was called to assume the main team after the sack of Jorge Jesus. Now they decided to contact the son of the legend of Benfica Antonio Oliveira who has the same name as the father, Toni Oliveira and who did an amazing job in Brazil for Athletico Paranaense. Benfica B are the best attack of the competition, they have a lot of talent in the squad and can score goals easily in every game due to the quality of the players. Toni Oliveira did only 1 match at home against Porto B, they did a bad 1st half because 7 of the 11 players were infected by Covid-19 and just returned 2 days before the game and made only 1 train. The team of Toni Oliveira in Brazil was a team very compact deffensively and very strong in the counters, that's why they made a lot of points away from their main stadium and at home felt a lot of difficulties to win games. I expect the same to happen here in Benfica B as they have very fast wingers with a lot of talent like Tiago Gouveia that very soon will be in the first team of Benfica for sure due to this amazing talent. The best centre-back of the league will return for this game, Tomas Araujo who already played some minutes for the main team and will be one of the best centre-backs in the world for sure. There is another 3 very important players that will return for this game that missed the last game against Porto B, Pedro Alvaro, Martim Neto and Filipe Cruz.

Probable line-up: Samuel Soares; Filipe Cruz - Tomas Araujo - Pedro Alvaro - Sandro Cruz; Rafael Brito - Ronaldo Camara - Martim Neto; Umaro Embalo - Tiago Gouveia and Henrique Araujo.

葡萄牙国民赛季开局非常糟糕,教练 Costinha 几个赛季前就带队过,主席认为他可以再次成功,但几场比赛后他决定解雇 Costinha,然后决定签下 Rui Borges,他也因成绩不佳而被从学院队开除,但在上个赛季带领学院打得非常出色,直到赛季结束前都在为第三名而战。自从博尔赫斯到来后,球队有了很大的进步,但在主场,他们在创造机会方面有些问题,幸运的是,上一场比赛他们在前2分钟就取得了进球,但随后他们在60分钟内没有再射门。他们在主场的最近两场比赛并没有拿出让人信服的表现,第一场对阵莱索斯,我国民会摧毁这支实力很弱的球队,他们以 2-0 获胜。对于这场比赛,他们有 2 名非常重要的缺席,达尼洛维奇是乙级联赛中最好的防守中场之一,他有能力参加顶级联赛的比赛,而中后卫鲁伊·科雷亚则为积累黄牌停赛,他本赛季打进了惊人的进球。

本菲卡B队目前在联赛中排名第一,积分与卡萨比亚相同,并且比他们少 1 场比赛。主教练尼尔森·维里西莫在本菲卡 B 队的表现令人难以置信,在豪尔赫·热苏斯被解雇后,他被要求担任一线队主教练。现在他们决定联系本菲卡传奇人物安东尼奥奥利维拉的儿子,他与父亲托尼奥利维拉同名,他在巴西为巴拉那竞技队做了出色的工作。本菲卡B队有最好的进攻球员,他们在阵容中有很多天赋出色的球员,并且由于球员的实力,他们在每场比赛中都能轻松进球。托尼·奥利维拉(Toni Oliveira)只带队进行了 1 场比赛,他们在上半场表现不佳,因为 11 名首发球员中有 7 名感染了新冠,在比赛前 2 天才返回并且只进行了 1 次训练。他们是一支防守非常紧凑,反击非常强大的球队,这就是为什么他们在客场取得了很多积分并且在主场感觉赢得比赛困难重重。我预计本菲卡B队也会有类似的情况,因为他们拥有速度很快的边锋,拥有很多像蒂亚戈·古维亚这样的天才球员,由于这种惊人的天赋,他们很快就会进入本菲卡的一线队。最好的中后卫将回归本场比赛,托马斯·阿劳霍已经为一线队出场了几分钟,他肯定会成为世界上最好的中后卫之一。还有另外 3 名非常重要的球员将回归本场比赛,佩德罗阿尔瓦罗、马蒂姆内托和菲利普克鲁兹,他们错过了上一场对阵波尔图 B 队的比赛。预测本菲卡B队不败。
