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Very good game







星期日2022-01-09 23:30




Portimonense are doing the best season since they came back to the main league of football due to the amazing work of Paulo Sergio. Another important thing to say is that Paulo Sergio is one of the coaches with more time on the same team with Sergio Conceiçao, Carlos Carvalhal and Ruben Amorim. They come from a very good game against Sporting CP where they almost stole points to the champion in title, they were leading 1-0 at HT, but then Pedro Sá received red card and let Portimonense reduced to 10 men to play almost 35 minutes. But, for this game they lost 3 players, Pedro Sa for red card, Willyan Rocha the best centre-back of the team due to accumulated yellow cards and the left defender Fali Cade who is on CAN competition. At home they have problems because when the other teams give them to initiative to play and to attack they have problems to create goal chances, they are much more dangerous when they play on counter with the fast pace of Angulo, Nakajima and Aylton Boa Morte. The must win of Portimonense is low even tho they play at home but I dont think are better than this Maritimo that improved a lot with the new coach.

Probable line-up: Samuel Portugal; Moufi - Lucas Possignolo - Pedrao - Filipe Relvas; Carlinhos - Lucas Fernandes - Shoya Nakajima; Angulo - Aylton Boa Morte and Fabricio.

Maritimo started very bad the season with the spanish coach Julio Velazquez with only 1 win in the first 11 games for the League, but since the president sack the coach and decided to buy Vasco Seabra the team improved so much with 3 games on the last 5 games, 1 lose against Benfica and 1 draw against Boavista who improved a lot too since Petit arrived. In the last game where they played with a lot of absences due to Covid they still beat Vizela by 2-0 and dominated almost the whole game. I expect them to assume the game in Portimao and still being very dangerous on counters as they have too very fast players like Rafik Guitane and Andre Vidigal. They have one of the best players in the league, Rafik Guitane who was World Cup champion for France U20, but Julio Velazquez was not using him and was the main reason for the president to fire him. I expect a really motivated Maritimo for this game and beating this sensation team of Portimonense.

Probable line-up: Miguel Silva; Claudio Winck - Zainadine - Leo Andrade - Victor Costa; Ivan Rossi - Beltrame - Rafik Guitane; Andre Vidigal - Henrique and Joel Tagueu.

由于保罗塞尔吉奥的出色表现,波尔蒂莫内塞正在打出重返顶级联赛以来最好的赛季。另一个重要的事情是,保罗·塞尔吉奥是与塞尔吉奥·孔塞索、卡洛斯·卡瓦哈尔和鲁本·阿莫林在同一支球队中有更多时间的教练之一。他们刚刚与葡萄牙体育进行一场非常出色的比赛,他们差点从卫冕冠军手中抢走了积分,他们在上半场上以 1-0 领先,但随后佩德罗萨吃到红牌,让波尔蒂芒减少到 10 人,将近 35 分钟。本场比赛他们失去了3名球员,佩德罗萨红牌停赛,威利安罗查因累积黄牌,他是球队最佳中卫,左后卫法利凯德正在参加非洲杯的比赛。在主场他们表现不佳,因为当其他球队给他们主动进攻和进攻时,他们很难创造进球机会,安古洛、中岛和艾尔顿博阿莫尔特的快节奏下反击时,他们会更加危险。虽然他们在主场比赛,但动力不足,我认为他现在不如马里迪莫出色。

马里蒂莫本赛季的开局非常糟糕,西班牙教练胡里奥·委拉斯开兹在联赛的前 11 场比赛中只赢了 1 场,但自从管理层解雇教练并决定签下 Vasco Seabra 后,球队在过去 5 场比赛中取得了很大进步,赢了 3 场。输给了本菲卡,与博阿维斯塔战平,自从佩蒂特到来后,博阿维斯塔也有了很大的进步。在上一场他们因新冠病毒大量缺席的比赛中,他们仍然以 2-0 击败维泽拉,几乎统治了整场比赛。我预测他们在波尔蒂芒接管比赛,并且在反击时打出威胁,因为他们拥有像 Rafik Guitane 和 Andre Vidigal 这样速度非常快的球员。他们最葡超中好的球员之一,还有法国U20世界杯冠军拉菲克·吉塔内,但胡里奥·委拉斯开兹没有使用他,这是高层解雇他的主要原因之一。我马里蒂莫本场拿出足够的动力,有希望击败波尔蒂芒。
