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Best Friday's bet!! 周五葡超精选





星期六2022-01-08 02:30


First of all I want to apologize to my dear followers, it's been a long time since I had such a negative sequence but I assure you that I continue to work the same for the good results to come back.

There's no way not to go to Sporting in this game and I'll explain why.

Santa Clara this year is having a very bad season. They started the season very early with the Conference League and it's standard in Portugal. These mid-table teams, when they have a very good season and qualify for European competitions, end up suffering a lot in the following season. This is happening with Santa Clara. In addition, they already lost important players with the season in progress and the coach asked for his resignation to go to coach a club in Saudi Arabia. After that, they fired a coach and the team is adrift. To compare Sporting's rivals are Porto and Benfica and they lost at home 0-5 against Benfica and 0-3 against Porto.

Sporting since R. Amorim, coach, took over the team they are onfire. They were champions last year and this season managed to qualify for the eighth final of the Champions League, only the second time in the club's history. In the championship they are having a spectacular season, with 14 wins and 2 draws in 16 games. But Porto has the same 44 points as them and that's why the fight for the title is in full swing. So there is no space to facilitate and there are 11 consecutive games to win.

Sporting won 5 of the last 6 games by 2 goals or more, Santa Clara was easily beaten at home by Porto and Benfica. I expect Sporting to win an unquestionable victory here.




自从 R. Amorim 主教练接手球队后,葡萄牙体育状态爆发。他们去年获得冠军,本赛季成功晋级欧冠淘汰赛,这是俱乐部历史上第二次晋级。在联赛中,他们在16场比赛中取得了14胜2平的成绩。波尔图和他们一样有 44 分,冠军争夺战如火如荼。所以没有任何空间可以犯错,有连续 11 场比赛要赢。

在过去的 6 场比赛中,葡萄牙体育赢了 5 场比赛,进球数达到或超过 2 球,圣克拉拉在主场被波尔图和本菲卡轻松击败。我预测葡萄牙体育能够赢得一场轻松的胜利。
