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Blakburn should win





星期四2021-12-30 03:45


Blackburn is playing very well this season and the team is in a position that leads to the playoffs for the strongest league in the world. What makes Mowbray fans and coaches happy in the last few weeks is the great defence of Blackburn, which has not conceded a goal for five games. Probably a lot of things changed in the team after the disastrous defeat at home to Fulham, Blackburn lost 7-0 but it was their only defeat in the last 10 games. The team started well after the debacle, tied a couple of victories and entered this match against Barnsley with great confidence. Some players will not play because of the crown, but Dolan, a very important player in the middle of the field, is returning to the team. The guests fought for entering the Premier League last year, but this season they are recording much weaker results and are in the relegation zone. Today they come without captain Woodrow who will miss the second game in a row. Barnsley have big problems in attack this season, scoring few goals and that is the main problem of this team, also they are still waiting for the first away win in the current season. The guests have scored only 15 goals this season, 26 goals are less than Blackburn. The host is in a passionate series, their defence is granite while the guests are struggling with goals so I think the host is a big favourite and we should win today and continue with great games.

My prediction: Blackburn to win


布莱克本本赛季打得非常好,球队正处于一个可以带领球队进入季后赛的位置。让莫布雷的球迷和教练在过去几周感到高兴的是布莱克本出色的防守,他们已经五场比赛没有失球了。在主场惨败于富勒姆之后,可能很多事情都改变了,布莱克本以0 - 7输掉了比赛,但这是他们最近10场比赛中唯一的一场失利。溃败后,球队开局良好,取得了两场胜利,并带着巨大的信心进入了这场对阵巴恩斯利的比赛。一些球员因为皇冠而不能上场,但是多兰,中场的重要球员,正在回归球队。去年,他们为进入英超联赛而战,但本赛季他们的成绩要差得多,而且处于降级区。今天他们没有伍德罗队长,他将连续缺席第二场比赛。巴恩斯利本赛季在进攻上有很大的问题,进球很少,这是这支球队的主要问题,而且他们还在等待本赛季的第一场客场胜利。客队本赛季只进了15个球,比布莱克本少了26个。东道主正处于一个充满激情的系列赛中,他们的防守是坚不可摧的,而客人们却在进球上苦苦挣扎,所以我认为东道主是最受欢迎的,我们应该赢得今天的比赛并继续精彩的比赛。
