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Back in action after Xmas!





星期日2021-12-26 23:00


Tottenham vs Crystal Palace

Tottenham host Crystal Palace for this round 19 of English Pre mier League at in Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London. The short Christmas break is now over and most teams are in action in the traditional Boxing Day action. Unfortunately, Omicron is wreaking havoc in the UK too, and a few matches scheduled for Sunday have already been postponed.. There is a risk that this match might not be played at all.. Thumbs up for the match to be played of course- a high quality and entertaining match is on the cards here in the most competitive football league in the World. I see this match a little more high scoring than most analysts and the betting market at the moment. Let's take a closer look at this match..

Tottenham have played well lately and have clearly improved their football under the new manager, legendary Italian coach Antonio Conte, 52. He replaced Nuno Herlander Simões Espírito Santo, 47 early November. Espirito Santo was a bad manager but something was not right within the team.. Of course the start of the season was difficult also because of the " Harry Kane to Manchester City or not" saga. Kane was also not physically fully fit at the beginning of the season and was also understandably disappointed after Tottenham refused to sell him to the one of the best teams in the planet and was not fully motivated - as I have written on some previous analyses too.. The South Korean star, Son, was also missing from some matches earlier this season. Both Son and now motivated and fit Kane are expected to play on Sunday so things look good for the hosts. Conte is a very demanding manager and according to many reports and interviews has also put more emphasis on the players fitness level than the previous managers in recent years. Of course it takes time improve already fit pro athletes physique substantially, but I this is one of the reasons why I expect the hosts to improve during the rest of the season. Tottenham are currently in the 7th place but I rate them as the 6th best team and would not be that surprised if they were to topple West Ham, ManU and Arsenal. Beating West Ham is, however, even pretty probable.. The difference in raw class is pretty big here and with the home advantage I see Tottenham -0.5 goals handicap being a very solid pick here for my fans.



托特纳姆热刺最近踢得很好,在52岁的意大利传奇教练安东尼奥·孔戴(Antonio Conte)的带领下,他们的足球水平明显提高了。他取代了Nuno Herlander Simões Espírito Santo, 47年11月初。圣埃斯皮里托是个糟糕的教练,但球队内部有些不对劲。当然,本赛季的开始是艰难的,也因为“哈里凯恩是否转会曼城”的传奇故事。凯恩在赛季初的身体状况也不是很好,在热刺拒绝将他卖给这个世界上最好的球队之一后,他感到很失望,也没有充分的动力——正如我之前所写的一些分析。韩国球星孙兴慜本赛季早些时候也缺席了一些比赛。孙兴慜和现在状态良好的凯恩都有望在周日的比赛中出场,所以东道主的情况看起来不错。孔特是一位非常苛刻的教练,根据许多报道和采访,他也比前几年的教练更注重球员的健康水平。当然,这需要时间来大大提高已经健康的职业运动员的体质,但我这是我为什么期望东道主在赛季剩余的时间里提高的原因之一。托特纳姆目前排名第七,但我认为他们是第六强的球队,如果他们能击败西汉姆联、马努和阿森纳,我也不会感到惊讶。然而,击败西汉姆联队的可能性还是很大的。在这里,原始级别的差异是相当大的,加上主场优势,我认为托特纳姆-0.5个对我的球迷来说是一个非常可靠的选择。
