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Value in Ykkönen again!





星期三2021-08-11 23:30


PK-35 VS Gnistan

PK-35 welcome visitors from Oulunkylä for this Finnish Ykkönen match at MagneCit-Areena. Ykkönen is the seconds highest level of Finnish football and a league I as a Finn follow very closely and have been betting on for some 20 years already. We have won three picks in a row in this league and once again there is value available.

First of all the home advantage in this match is marginal as both teams are from Helsinki and the distance between MagneCit-Areena in Pihlajanmäki and Oulunkylä Mustapekka Areena is less than two miles. The home advantage in this league is overall smaller than in European football leagues in on average. It is also worth noticing Gnistan have played a lot better away from home this season and have won five of their latest six matches away from home and before the season Gnistan beat PK-35 2-0 in a friendly match. There will surely be a group of enthusiastic Gnistan fans in Pihlajamäki today so I do not see a favorite in this match at all so Gnistan have some 65% chance to avoid defeat and Gnistan +0.5 goals handicap is the bet I recommend my fans to take!

Neither team is great shape at the moment but having watched almost all of both teams' matches this season and having read reports on the few matches I have not seen Gnistan are in slightly better form and overall slightly better by raw class. PK-35 are also missing too many players today. At least Morais, Laitinen ja Huhtala are out. PK-35 have only one win in the latest six matches and that was versus Klubi-04 at home in a pretty balanced match. Klubi-04 are the rock-bottom team in Ykkönen. In their most recent match Gnistan lost to Jaro 0-1 after a pretty balanced match but Jaro are a good team. They have also recently lost to Rovaniemi who are the leaders in Ykkönen at the moment, and Ekenäs who are also a better than average team but Gnistan have still won two of their latest five matches.


PK-35欢迎来自Oulunkylä的游客在magnecit - arena观看这场芬兰Ykkönen比赛。Ykkönen是芬兰足球的第二高水平,也是芬兰人非常关注的一级联赛,并且已经下注了大约20年。我们已经在这个联盟中连续赢得了三个选秀权,再一次有了价值。

首先,主场优势在这场比赛中是边缘的,因为两支球队都来自赫尔辛基,磁石竞技场Pihlajanmäki和Oulunkylä穆斯塔皮卡竞技场之间的距离不到两英里。这个联赛的主场优势总体上比欧洲足球联赛的主场优势要小。同样值得注意的是,格尼斯坦在本赛季的客场表现要好得多,在最近的6场客场比赛中赢得了5场胜利。在本赛季之前,格尼斯坦在一场友谊赛中以2-0击败PK-35。在Pihlajamäki今天肯定会有一群热心的Gnistan球迷,所以我在这场比赛中根本没有看到最受欢迎的球员,所以Gnistan有大约65%的机会避免失败,Gnistan +0.5个进球的障碍是我建议我的球迷接受的打赌!

目前这两支球队的状态都不太好,但在本赛季几乎看了两支球队的所有比赛,读了几场我没看过的比赛的报道后,格尼斯坦的状态稍微好了一些,总体上略好一些。PK-35今天也少了太多球员。至少Morais, Laitinen ja Huhtala不在了。PK-35在最近的六场比赛中只赢了一场,那是在主场对克鲁比-04的一场相当平衡的比赛。Klubi-04是Ykkönen中垫底的球队。在最近的一场比赛中,在一场相当平衡的比赛后,格尼斯坦0-1输给了贾罗,但贾罗是一支优秀的球队。他们最近也输给了罗瓦涅米,后者是Ykkönen目前的领头羊,Ekenäs也是一支比一般球队更好的球队,但Gnistan仍然赢得了最近五场比赛中的两场。
