  • 702


  • 4170


Big bet!





星期四2021-08-05 08:30


赢得杯赛是巴伊亚本赛季获得银器的唯一机会。在上次在米内罗的球场上以 2-0 输掉之后,他们将再次遇到米内罗竞技。这一次,达多·卡瓦尔康蒂 (Dado Cavalcanti) 的手下享有在支持者面前比赛的优势。巴伊亚队正处于令人担忧的五连败状态,但可以肯定地说,他们在巴西杯中是完全不同的一方。东道主在这里的前四场对决中很有说服力,不像马竞那样在对阵乙级球队的比赛中受苦。在即将到来的决斗中,伤病不会成为问题,两次都只缺一名球员。桑尼·安德森将为主队出局,而马蒂亚斯·扎拉乔则错过了为客队效力的机会。

巴伊亚在主场对阵 Atletico-MG 的历史令人信服。 “三色队”在新丰特竞技场只输了一次,并且在这里继续他们的八场不败纪录。两人上一次在本场比赛中以 3-1 结束,主队获胜。巴伊亚在联赛中比去年排名第 14 位,目前排名第 10,并希望明年能进入南美杯。到目前为止,东道主在进攻方面一直很稳固,联盟头号射手吉尔伯托七次入网。他们是顶级联赛二十支球队中得分第七高的球队,明天的复出肯定会让所有人大吃一惊。

客队在联赛中表现出色,仅次于帕尔梅拉斯。库卡的球队在顶级联赛中发挥了最好的防守,在十四场比赛中仅失球十次。 CAM 由著名的巴西球星胡尔克领衔,他是联盟中最好的球员之一,在 13 场比赛中打入了 6 个进球和 5 次助攻。


Winning the cup is the only chance for Bahia to earn silverware this season. They will meet Atletico Mineiro once again, after losing 2-0 on Mineiro's ground last time. This time Dado Cavalcanti's men enjoy the advantage of playing in front of their supporters. Bahia is on a worrying five-game losing streak, but it is safe to say they are a completely different side in Copa do Brasil. The hosts were persuasive in the first four duels here, unlike Atletico who suffered against a second-division team. Injuries will not be a concern in the upcoming duel, with both times just missing one player. Thonny Anderson will be out for the home team, while Matias Zaracho misses the opportunity to play for the visitors.

Bahia's history against Atletico-MG at home is quite convincing. "Tricolor" lost only once against them at the Arena Fonte Nova, and are continuing their eight-game unbeaten streak against this side here. The last time these two met on this field ended 3-1 in the hosts' favor. Bahia is better in the league than last year when they finished fourteenth, currently being tenth-placed with hopes of reaching Copa Sudamericana next year. The hosts have been solid offensively so far, having the league's top-scorer Gilberto who found the net seven times. They are the seventh-best scoring team out of twenty clubs in the top division, and could surely surprise everyone with a comeback tomorrow.

The guests are doing a great job in the league, being second only behind Palmeiras. Cuca's squad plays the best defense in the top tier, conceding only ten times in fourteen matches. CAM is led by well-known Brazilian star Hulk, who is one of the best players in the league with six goals and five assists in thirteen appearances.

I expect a tough game with a tie as a very possible outcome, but if I were to pick a winner, Bahia is a better choice right now. Good luck!
