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Freshness will make difference today? 德甲法兰克福VS门兴





星期三2020-12-16 01:30


In my opinion Gladbach have really good chances make positive result in this match up.

Gladbach won 3 of last 4 (1 draw) Bundesliga matches against Frankfurt. Frankfurt won only once in last 6 home matches against Gladbach. It's not long travel for guests - it's less than 3 hours drive by car from Gladbach to Frankfurt.

I see really hard match for Frankfurt - their best striker and without any shadow of doubt best player, Andre Silva is very doubtful for today's match, he didn't played in last round against Wolfsburg due to muscle strain. This is big problem because he was involved in 50% of Frankfurt 16 goals so far, he scored 7 goals and made 1 assist. Frankfurt coming for this match in bad mood as they played poor in last round and lost 1:2 on away against Wolfsburg by 2 late goals. Frankfurt is without a win in last 8 Bundesliga matches in a row. Their defense is very unstable as they conceded at least one goal in last 16 Bundesliga matches in a row.

Atmosphere in Gladbach for sure is good, for the first time in club history they qualified into knockout stage in Champions League. Gladbach last round home match against Hertha finished with draw 1:1, but Gladbach deserved for something more - expected goals scored for Gladbach 1.53, for Hertha 0.32. In that game coach Marco Rose rested his key players like Lainer, Stingl, Thuram or Plea. Today we will see all of them on the pitch. With this freshness I expect another high quality performance from guests.

I see decent chances for Gladbach here to grab at least one point.



法兰克福最近的表现很艰难-他们最好的前锋,安德烈席尔瓦(Andre Silva)对于今天的比赛出战存疑,由于肌肉拉伤,他在上一轮对沃尔夫斯堡的比赛中没有上场。这是一个大问题,因为到目前为止,他参与了法兰克福50%的进球,16个进球他攻入7个进球,并有1次助攻。由于他们在上一轮比赛中表现不佳,对沃尔夫斯堡的比赛中以1:2输球,因此法兰克福在这场比赛中情绪低落。法兰克福连续八场德甲联赛均未获胜。他们的防守非常不稳定,连续16场德甲比赛中至少失一球。

门兴格拉德巴赫的气氛确实不错,俱乐部历史上第一次有资格进入欧洲冠军联赛的淘汰赛阶段。在上一场主场对柏林赫塔的比赛中以1:1战平,但门兴格拉德巴赫应该赢球的-预期进球们格拉德巴赫1.53和赫塔0.32。在那场比赛中,教练马可·罗斯(Marco Rose)让莱纳(Lainer),斯汀格尔(Stingl),图拉姆(Thuram)和普莱(Plea)这样的关键球员轮休。今天,我们将在球场上看到这些球员。凭借着阵容的轮换,我预测客队能完成一场高质量的比赛。

