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A team with a strong offensive sector 巴甲科林蒂安VS布拉干





星期四2021-06-17 07:30


RB Bragantino will make his fourth game in the championship. They are one of the most offensive teams in Brazil and are showing a good start to their competition

Corinthians is showing signs of improvement after the arrival of the new coach Sylvinho. They managed to hold a draw in the derby against Palmeiras in the last round and it was cause for celebration however they still have a very limited game and with no tactical variation. So far they record 1-1-1 in the championship. The coach is building a more defensive team for this game, especially after noticing that his main striker Jo was injured and is out of this game.

RB Bragantino has been showing good football at the beginning of Brazil A, they add 5 points in 3 games, and in case of victory, they can go to the top of the table. They played a great game in the last round but due to lack of attention suffered a draw after being ahead 2-0. Players mentioned after the game that this result will stay in their minds, so they keep their attention for the entire 90 minutes. Defender Luan and midfielder Claudinho are out of this game due to wear.

I see RB Bragantino as the favorite for this game. The team shows more variations of play and has a very strong offensive sector, in addition, the players continue to show a lot of motivation to take Bragantino to higher levels in Brazil, and in games against more famous teams they always show greater strength. They must not lose today.

My probable scores 1-1 0-1

Marco Antonio,


布拉干RB 将参加他们的第四场锦标赛。他们是巴西最具进攻性的球队之一,并且在比赛中表现出良好的开端 新主帅西尔维尼奥上任后,科林蒂安表现出好转迹象。他们在上轮对阵帕尔梅拉斯的德比战中取得了平局,这是值得庆祝的,但他们的比赛仍然非常有限,并且没有战术变化。到目前为止,他们在冠军赛中的战绩是 1-1-1。教练正在为这场比赛打造一支更具防守性的球队,尤其是在注意到他的主力前锋乔受伤并缺席比赛之后。

布拉干RB在巴西甲级联赛开局表现不错,他们3场比赛加5分,如果胜利,他们可以登上积分榜榜首。他们在最后一轮打了一场精彩的比赛,但由于注意力不集中,在2-0领先后遭遇平局。球员赛后提到这个结果会留在他们的脑海中,所以他们保持他们的注意力在整个 90 分钟内。后卫栾和中场克劳迪尼奥因磨损缺席本场比赛。

我认为 RB是这场比赛的热门。球队表现出更多的变化,并且拥有非常强大的进攻部门,此外,球员们继续表现出很大的动力,希望在巴西将布拉甘蒂诺提升到更高的水平,并且在与更多知名球队的比赛中,他们总是表现出更大的实力。他们今天不会输球。

比分参考1-1 0-1

