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the coach needs to win today 巴甲圣保罗VS沙佩科





星期四2021-06-17 06:00


Decisive game for coach Hernan Crespo. In case of not getting a good result today, the coach can put himself in a very difficult position.

Sao Paulo arrives for this game after losing to Atletico MG by 1-0 away from home. Its necessary to understand that São Paulo did not have easy opponents at the beginning of the league and for this reason, they have only 1 point on the table. They need to earn the 3 points and regain motivation for the game sequence. Hernan Crespo won't be able to count on his defense duo in this game, since Arboleda (national team) and the injured Miranda are out. Daniel Alvez, Benitez, and Hernanes remain in the DM.

Chapecoense is showing weak football, and even with the arrival of Jair Ventura, they don't show any power of reaction. The team has only one point in the competition, won in the last round against Ceara. The early elimination in Brazil Cup for a team from the fourth division has triggered a warning in the club and everyone is under pressure. With a lean cast, it will be a difficult task for them to play at a high level with so many games in sequence. Defenders Léo Gomes and Anderson Leite are back in the team after recovering from injury. Goalkeeper Tiepo is out of the entire 2021 season due to injury and can be a big challenge for the team's defense.

São Paulo needs to recover the points lost in the last rounds and take advantage of a weak opponent to add the 3 points. At home, they have been an impeccable team so far and the current coach is under pressure. Sao Paulo should be able to show a good performance and get a good victory today.

Probable score here 2-0 3-0

Marco Antonio,


主教练埃尔南克雷斯波的决定性比赛。万一今天没有取得好成绩,教练可以把自己置于非常困难的境地。 圣保罗在客场以 1-0 输给马竞后,来到了这场比赛。有必要了解一下,圣保罗在联赛初期并没有轻松的对手,因此他们在积分榜上只有1分。他们需要获得 3 分并重新获得比赛的动力。 Hernan Crespo 在这场比赛中不能指望他的防守组合,因为 Arboleda(国家队)和受伤的 Miranda 都出局了。 Daniel Alvez、Benitez 和 Hernanes 留在了 DM。




