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MLS Winning bet!





星期一2021-05-31 07:00


在本赛季开局不佳之后,主队终于开始有点起色。费城联队连续五场不败,目前在东部排名第三。即使在与伤病作斗争的情况下,波特兰在过去的两场对决中也表现出色,以2-0击败圣何塞,随后以 3-0 战胜洛杉矶。波特兰在对阵费城的上五场比赛中都赢了,并且在费城的斯巴鲁公园队取得了三连胜。

费城本赛季只赢了一场主场比赛,输了两场,打平一场。吉姆·科廷 的球队在七场比赛中有四场得分。伊尔森·佩雷拉和杰克·德弗里斯将缺席即将到来的主场比赛。在上场对阵华盛顿的比赛中,他们在整场比赛几乎没有处于下风但1-0赢得胜利。从历史上看,波特兰在面对费城时被证明是一支更好的球队,我可以看到他们在历史上只有一场未取得积分,其余比赛对阵费城都不输。


After a poor start to the season, results are finally starting to show up for the hosts. Philadelphia Union is on a five-game unbeaten streak, and is currently third-placed in the East. Even while struggling with injuries, Portland Timbers have been great in their last two duels, defeating San Jose Earthquakes 0-2, followed by a dominant 3-0 victory over Los Angeles Galaxy. Portland has won all of its last five meetings against the Union, and is on a three-game winning streak in Philadelphia's Subaru Park.

The Union has won just one home game this season, lost two, and shared points in one. Jim Curtin's men have given points in four of their seven matches. Ilson Pereira and Jack de Vries will miss the upcoming game for the hosts. This team is coming from a visit against DC United, where they barely won 0-1 while being a worse side the entire game. Historically, the Timbers have proven to be a better team when facing Philadelphia, and I can see them taking points as they did in all but one duel throughout history.

Injuries haven't stopped the guests from finding two persuasive victories, and those missing are Blanco, Attinella, Chara, Clark, Ivacic, Jome, Mabiala, Niezgoda, Polo, and Paredes. Giovanni Savarese's squad is yet to play a game without a winner this season, with three victories and three losses occurring from their six league matches. Timbers have won just one of the three visits this year, with that victory being from their last game away from home. The guests climb to the third spot in the West with the three points from this duel, and I can see them being successful.
