  • 773


  • 1278


Very valuable option to play





星期五2024-03-15 04:00


In my opinion Qarabaq has a really good chances to avoid big loss in today's match. +2.5 AH on the away side looks like very solid option to play.

First match between both teams finished with draw 2:2 and Bayern was very fortunate to avoid loss as they scored equaliser in last minute. Qarabaq played well, had a 2:0 lead and produced higher expected goals scored value than team from Leverkusen.

Qarabaq is very underrated team in this match up. Super consistent club. Since middle of November they played 19 matches in all competitions and lost only one time - against Braga at home, but that result gave them qualification as they won first match on away. Qarabaq have serious firepower in attack. They don't have any problems with goalscoring as they scored more than one goal in last 10 matches in a row (!!!). They have serious chances to score at least once today.

In last 5 matches in all competitions Leverkusen kept two clean sheets, but in both matches their opponents received red cards in first 30 minutes of the match. Obviously, that had huge impact on the final result. If Leverkusen is able to score more than two goals? If Qarabaq score, they will need 4 goals to cover HC line. In 2024 Leverkusen played 11 matches in all competitions and never scored more than 3. In last 5 consecutive games they not scored more than 2. Their top striker Boniface is still unavailable and this is main reason why Leverkusen have problems with scoring many goals in each game.

At the end of the day, Leverkusen don't need big win to get qualification. One or two goals difference is simply good enough. In those circumstances +2.5 AH on Qarabaq is very valuable.


在我看来,卡塔尔队在今天的比赛中有很大的机会避免大败。客场+2.5 AH看起来是一个非常可靠的选择。




最终,勒沃库森不需要大胜来获得出线资格。一两个进球的差距已经足够好了。在这种情况下+2.5 AH对Qarabaq非常有价值。
