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Title decision match? 德甲 勒沃库森VS拜仁







星期日2024-02-11 01:30




The best game this weekend, without a doubt, will be played in the Bundesliga. Currently, the league's leading team, Bayer Leverkusen, welcomes Bayern Munich on its field in a match that could potentially decide who will win the trophy at the end of the season. Leverkusen come into this match on the back of a 3-2 win against Stuttgart in the quarter-finals of the cup, thus securing a place among the top four teams in this competition. This game was an excellent indicator of the determination of this team and the way they are playing this season. Although they are playing the last few games without the team's best scorer, Boniface, that doesn't stop them from racking up victories and they haven't changed their style of play a bit. Led by Xabi Alonso from the bench, the team is writing history and showing determination to win all the trophies this season. They stand out as the only club among the five strongest European leagues that did not experience defeat in 30 games played. In an impressive run of victories, Leverkusen achieved 26 triumphs in all competitions with just four draws. They are now just two games away from equaling Bayern Munich's record of 32 games without defeat. As for Bayern Munich, they are currently in second place in the table with 2 points less than today's opponent. But the game that Bayern Munich is showing this season is far from what we are used to in all the previous years, and in my opinion, Tuchel is the most responsible for that. He is not the type of coach who forces offensive football, even though he has a team that can very well respond to that style of play. Several times during this season we could see that after the first goal scored, Bayern starts to slow down the pace of the game and they play without too much desire to score the second goal as soon as possible. In addition to the not so convincing game, Bayern Munich has a big problem with injuries to several very important players. Davies, Coman and Gnabry will not be available to the team for this match, while Neuer is questionable. Leverkusen seem like a much better team at the moment and I honestly think they have a huge chance of going undefeated in this match, if not taking all three points.


毫无疑问,本周末最精彩的比赛将是德甲联赛。目前,联赛领头羊勒沃库森(Bayer Leverkusen)将在主场迎战拜仁慕尼黑(Bayern Munich),这场比赛可能会决定谁将在本赛季结束时赢得奖杯。勒沃库森在1 / 4决赛中以3-2战胜斯图加特,从而确保了该赛事前四名的席位。这场比赛很好地体现了这支球队的决心和他们本赛季的打法。虽然他们在最后几场比赛中没有球队最好的得分手博尼法斯,但这并没有阻止他们取得胜利,他们也没有改变他们的比赛风格。在替补球员哈维·阿隆索的带领下,这支球队正在书写历史,并展现出赢得本赛季所有奖杯的决心。他们是欧洲五大联赛中唯一一支在30场比赛中没有遭遇失败的俱乐部。在一系列令人印象深刻的胜利中,勒沃库森在各项赛事中取得了26场胜利,只有4场平局。他们现在距离追平拜仁慕尼黑32场不败的纪录只差两场比赛了。至于拜仁慕尼黑,他们目前在积分榜上排名第二,比今天的对手少2分。但是拜仁本赛季的表现和我们过去几年的表现大不相同,在我看来,图切尔对此负有最大的责任。他不是那种强迫进攻足球的教练,尽管他的球队可以很好地应对这种比赛风格。在本赛季的几次比赛中,我们可以看到,在第一个进球后,拜仁开始放慢比赛的节奏,他们踢得不太想尽快进第二个球。除了这场不那么令人信服的比赛之外,拜仁慕尼黑还有几个非常重要的球员受伤的大问题。戴维斯、科曼和格纳布里将无法在本场比赛中出场,而诺伊尔也不确定。勒沃库森现在看起来是一支更好的球队,老实说,我认为他们有很大的机会在这场比赛中保持不败,如果不能拿到全部三分的话。
