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Big derby in Ligue 1 法甲 巴黎圣曼VS摩纳哥







星期六2023-11-25 04:00




The 13th Round French Ligue 1 derby between PSG and Monaco is scheduled for Friday evening. Both teams are playing in phenomenal form this season, and there is no doubt that an interesting match awaits us at the Parc des Princes in Paris. At the start of the season, PSG drastically changed the playing staff, which is also noticeable in the results of this team. Although PSG is still the first-placed team of the French championship, with a performance of eight wins, three draws and one loss, one gets the impression that this season it is much more difficult to get points and that when the first star of the club, Kylian Mbappe is not on the field, the team from Paris often seems clueless. However, this season PSG had an easier time against stronger teams, while they lost points against teams like Clermont, Lorient and Toulouse. As usual, against stronger teams from the league, it seems that PSG will take the opponent as seriously as possible. They are particularly impressive at home, where they have suffered only 1 defeat since the start of the season against Nice, who are playing great this season. After that defeat at home, they played 5 games in which they didn't concede a single goal, and they scored as much as 15. Given that Monaco has a very good attack, the question is whether PSG will manage to keep a clean sheet, but I believe that they will manage to win 3 points in this derby.

One gets the impression that the best thing for Monaco this season is the fact that they did not qualify for any of the European competitions, given that they can fully focus on the national championship. Before this round, they are in third place, with 24 points won, three less than PSG, and with a triumph on Friday they could overtake them in the table. The visitors have registered three victories in the previous five rounds, against Reims 1:3, Metz 2:1 and Brest 2:0, with a defeat against Lille 2:0 and a draw in the previous round away to Le Havre, and the representative break came at an ideal moment. to rest and prepare for the match against the grand final. It seems that they play a bit weaker away from home, considering that they have only one win in the last 5 matches. They play very fast and open football, which certainly suits PSG. As I already said, they have a fantastic offensive part of the team, but the defense is not that stable. A big disadvantage for them will be the absence of Fofana, who cannot play in this match due to yellow cards. Despite the fact that PSG failed to beat Monaco in the previous three matches, PSG is the favorite and there is no doubt that the home fans would be dissatisfied with anything but a victory in the big derby. In addition, Kyllian Mbappe is playing in phenomenal form and in the previous two matches for PSG and the French national team, he scored six goals. His form has proven to be key for PSG's game, and since he is currently playing brilliantly, I don't think he will have much mercy on his former club.


法甲联赛第13轮巴黎圣日耳曼与摩纳哥之间的德比将于周五晚上进行。这两支球队本赛季的表现都非常出色,毫无疑问,在巴黎王子公园将会有一场有趣的比赛等待着我们。在赛季初,巴黎圣日耳曼彻底改变了球员阵容,这在球队的成绩中也很明显。尽管巴黎圣日耳曼以8胜3平1负的成绩仍然是法甲联赛的第一名,但人们会觉得,本赛季要拿到积分要困难得多,而且当俱乐部的头号球星姆巴佩(Kylian Mbappe)不在场上时,这支来自巴黎的球队往往显得毫无头绪。然而,本赛季巴黎圣日耳曼在对阵强队时表现得更轻松,而他们在对阵克莱蒙、洛里昂和图卢兹等球队时失分。像往常一样,面对联赛中更强的球队,巴黎圣日耳曼似乎会尽可能地认真对待对手。他们在主场的表现尤其令人印象深刻,自本赛季开始以来,他们只在主场输给了本赛季表现出色的尼斯。在主场失利之后,他们打了5场比赛没有丢球,他们进了多达15个球。考虑到摩纳哥有很好的进攻,问题是巴黎圣日耳曼是否能保持零封,但我相信他们会在这场德比中拿下3分。

人们会有这样的印象,摩纳哥本赛季最好的事情是他们没有资格参加任何欧洲赛事,因为他们可以完全专注于国内锦标赛。在本轮比赛之前,他们积24分排名第三,比巴黎圣日耳曼少3分,如果周五取得胜利,他们可能会在积分榜上超过巴黎圣日耳曼。客队在过去的五轮比赛中取得了三场胜利,分别是1:3对阵兰斯,2:1对阵梅斯,2:0对阵布雷斯特,其中2:0输给里尔,上一轮客场战平勒阿弗尔,这次代表性的休息来得正是时候。休息一下,为总决赛做准备。考虑到他们在最近的5场比赛中只赢了一场,他们在客场的表现似乎有点弱。他们踢的是非常快速和开放的足球,这当然适合巴黎圣日耳曼。正如我已经说过的,他们的进攻非常出色,但是防守并不稳定。对他们来说,一个很大的不利因素是福法纳的缺席,他因黄牌而无法参加本场比赛。尽管巴黎圣日耳曼在前三场比赛中未能击败摩纳哥,但巴黎圣日耳曼是最受欢迎的,毫无疑问,主场球迷除了在这场大德比中获胜外,什么都不满意。此外,基利安·姆巴佩(Kyllian Mbappe)表现出色,在前两场代表巴黎圣日耳曼和法国国家队的比赛中,他打进了6球。他的状态已经被证明是巴黎圣日耳曼比赛的关键,由于他目前的表现非常出色,我认为他不会对他的前东家有太多的怜悯。
