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STRONG results in this league! $$$







星期日2023-10-08 21:00




Lazio VS Atalanta

Lazio host Atalanta for this Italian Serie A round 8 clash at Stadio Olimpico Sunday evening Beijing time. We can expect a match of clearly better than average level here between these two good teams. Most importantly, we have yet another very lucrative betting opportunity here to hopefully win once again betting on this league. Most of my fans are probably aware of the fact by now that I never let the standings fool me! Indeed, before going trough both teams and their performances this season. I want to highlight that last season Lazio finished in second place with 74 points to their account. No, I do not expect the, to be this strong this season. Even so, as this is only the 8th round of the season, we do have to give last season’s results some emphasis! Atalanta, on the other hand, ended up in 5th place – 10 points behind Lazio. Atalanta have started the season pretty well and have taken 13 points. They have been only moderately lucky this season so far. Indeed, their number of expected points (xPTS) is 12.34. They have scored only 11 goals in the Serie A so far which is not very impressive. Indeed, their success has mainly based on very strong defense. They have really surprised me – and probably many football fans and professional bettors as well. They have conceded just five goals. They have been only slightly lucky in terms of expected goals allowed (xGA) which is 6.34. However, many of their defenders and midfielders have played above their normal level. They faced Sporting CP, a Portuguese team, in their most recent game winning 2-1 away from home. This match was played on Thursday Italy time. This means that they have only two full days to recover and prepare themselves for this big match.. It was a balanced match that could have gone either way. Atalanta generated 2.34 in expected goals (xG) – the hosts managed 2.31. The ball possession was 50% and Sporting CP recorded more goal attempts - 15-13.

Lazio played on Wednesday so there is a clear edge in terms of recovery time here. They beat Celtic away from home in a Champions League match. They were not at their best though but still generated a little more in xG – 1.12-0.94. Before the game Scotland Lazio faced Milan, one of the favorites to win the league, away from home as heavy underdogs losing 0-2. Milan played a very strong match and deserved to win after generating 1.78 in xG – Lazio managed 0.67. Before this they easily beat Torino, a dangerous tea, 2-0 at home. Lazio defended incredibly well - Torino recorded just 0.22 in xG. In the opening round of the UEFA Champions League group stage they played a 1-1 draw at home against Atletico Madrid and the game was balanced. Let’s not forget that Atletico Madrid are a very strong team, much better than last season. In the Serie A Lazio have taken just seven points but their number of xPTS is higher. They have loud and demanding home fans and taking this factor, the big potential and the fact that they have no absences I see them as narrow favorites. The bookies disagree and see Atalanta as favorites – priced around 2.55 to win. Let’s take advantage of this mistake and go with the Lazio +0.5 goals handicap option.




拉齐奥在周三比赛,所以在恢复时间方面有明显的优势。他们在一场欧冠比赛中客场击败了凯尔特人队。虽然他们没有达到最佳状态,但在xG - 1.12-0.94中仍然产生了更多。在比赛开始前,苏格兰拉齐奥在客场对阵联赛夺冠热门之一的米兰,但以0比2输掉了比赛。米兰踢了一场非常强劲的比赛,他们理应赢得比赛,他们在比赛中创造了1.78个进球,而拉齐奥则创造了0.67个进球。在此之前,他们在主场以2-0轻松击败了劲旅都灵。拉齐奥的防守令人难以置信的好,都灵在xG的得分只有0.22。在欧冠小组赛的首轮比赛中,他们在主场1-1战平马德里竞技,双方势均力敌。我们不要忘记马竞是一支非常强大的球队,比上赛季强得多。在意甲,拉齐奥只拿到了7分,但是他们的积分更高。他们的主场球迷呼声很高,要求很高,考虑到这个因素,他们的潜力很大,而且他们没有缺阵的情况,我认为他们的夺冠希望不大。博彩公司不同意这一观点,他们认为亚特兰大是夺冠热门——胜率在2.55左右。让我们利用这个错误,选择拉齐奥+0.5个进球障碍。
