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  • 846


Great value 欧冠 AC米兰VS纽卡斯尔





星期三2023-09-20 00:45


Those who watched the Milan derby this weekend saw a Milan that disappointed many. Before the match, Milan and Inter were alone in Serie A to still not have dropped a point, and an even and exciting derby was expected. Inter were several numbers bigger - just like they have been in every single derby lately - and won by far with a whopping 5-1. It is for Milan only to try to shake off this fifth consecutive derby defeat, because on Tuesday an equally important match awaits, against Newcastle. The Champions League is kicking off, and given that Milan have ended up in the Group of Death, every single point is important in order to secure advancement. In addition to Newcastle, they will play against PSG and Dortmund, who meet later on Tuesday evening. It will be interesting to see Newcastle in the Champions League, where they make their first appearance in many years. Not the ideal start to the season for Newcastle, Three defeats in five Premier league games. Yet, it has to be noted that they've had a tough schedule, facing strong opponents Aston Villa, Man City, Liverpool and Brighton in their first four games of the season. Newcastle sign Tonali from Milan in a big summer move and I believe the battle will be won in the middle of the field where Newcastle is a much stronger team. Milan suffered a big defeat against their arch rivals and I don't think they can recover quickly from such a big defeat.Therefore, bet falls on Newcastle not to lose at San Siro.


