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A new challenger in Premier League? 英超 纽卡斯尔VS利物浦







星期日2023-08-27 23:30




Stepping into the spotlight, Eddie Howe's squad finds themselves in an enviable position as they prepare to host a much-anticipated encounter. What adds a touch of intrigue is the fact that they enter this matchup as an unexpected favorite. Last season's accomplishments propelled them to clinch the last UEFA Champions League spot, edging out their competitors by a four-point margin and securing a vital position above none other than fifth-placed Liverpool.

Newcastle's journey to replicate the triumphs of the previous year has embarked on a mixed path. The thunderous 5-1 victory over Aston Villa serves as a resounding high, juxtaposed against the humbling 1-0 defeat they faced at the hands of reigning champions Manchester City in their recent clash. A significant challenge now looms for the team – avoiding a streak of consecutive Premier League defeats. This predicament has unfolded only twice in the last 16 months, both times against formidable opponents – City and notably, Liverpool.

On the opposite end of the field, a sense of belief permeates the Liverpool team. They carry with them the aspiration of sealing a trifecta, having successfully secured league doubles over Newcastle in the preceding two seasons. Should they triumph in this encounter, it would etch a notable milestone into Liverpool's history books – the first instance of claiming three consecutive league victories at the iconic St. James' Park.

In the realm of management, Jürgen Klopp approaches this showdown with an aura of optimism. As he crosses paths with Eddie Howe for the 15th time in their managerial rivalry, Klopp enjoys a notable advantage in the balance. The scales have consistently tipped in his favor, boasting an impressive tally of 12 victories from their previous encounters, complemented by a solitary draw and a sole loss. Furthermore, Liverpool's ongoing unbeaten streak spans an impressive 13 matches (W8, D5), a testament to their recent form. This resurgence was ignited by their triumphant 3-1 victory over Howe's former team, Bournemouth, marking their debut win of the season in style.

As the eagerly anticipated duel unfolds, the spotlight casts its glow on standout players. Anthony Gordon, a former Everton player now donning the Newcastle jersey, is poised to make an early impact against Liverpool. His goal-scoring prowess is evident from his record of finding the net in four out of his last five goals, all achieved before halftime. On the Liverpool side, the spotlight falls on Diogo Jota. He emerges as a pivotal figure, poised to counter any threat that comes his way. History stands as a testament to his impact, as Liverpool's record reveals they have never faltered when the Portuguese international found the back of the net, amassing a notable record of 28 wins and 5 draws.

I Believe this might be Newcastle's season to shine and finally crown the project with the top two finish. The next step is to beat Liverpool.



纽卡斯尔想要复制前一年的辉煌,走上了一条复杂的道路。5-1大胜阿斯顿维拉是一场高歌猛进的胜利,而在最近的比赛中,他们0 -1惨败于卫冕冠军曼城。现在球队面临着一个重大的挑战——避免英超联赛的连败。在过去的16个月里,这种困境只出现过两次,两次都是面对强大的对手——曼城,尤其是利物浦。


在管理领域,约<s:1>根·克洛普(jrgen Klopp)以乐观的态度对待这场摊牌。这是他与埃迪·豪第15次在执教上交锋,克洛普在这方面有着明显的优势。天平一直对他有利,在他们之前的比赛中,他拥有令人印象深刻的12场胜利,外加一场平局和一场失利。此外,利物浦持续的13场不败纪录令人印象深刻(8胜5负),证明了他们最近的状态。他们以3-1战胜豪的老东家伯恩茅斯,赢得了本赛季的首胜,点燃了他们的复兴之火。


