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9/10 latest picks WON! $$$ 英超 热刺VS曼联







星期日2023-08-20 00:30




Tottenham vs Manchester United

Tottenham and Manchester United lock horns in this English Premier League round 2 clash at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London early Sunday morning Beijing time. This is the best league in the world – most importantly we have yet another very lucrative betting opportunity here to increase the winning streak of 9/10! Football fans and us profit-hungry, serious football bettors can expect a match of good level between these two big teams! However, neither team are, of course, among the top-2 teams in the Premier League. The best teams are Manchester City - followed by Arsenal who fought hard for the championship last season despite fading away in the last rounds. Behind these two teams even the best football journalists, professional bettors and the betting market disagree on which team are third, fourth and fifth best.. In the preseason analysis I had Manchester United in 3rd place in the power rating but their performance in the first round indicated that at the moment they are perhaps worse than that.. Indeed, the differences between Manchester United, Newcastle and Liverpool are not expected to be big this season. Behind these teams there are Chelsea, Tottenham, Aston Villa and Brighton and these four teams are probably much less worse to the three teams mentioned above. Furthermore, the transfer window is still open and even important players come and go almost daily in the Premier League..

Manchester United improved their game last season under Erik ten Hag – the Dutch manager took over at Manchester United before the last season started. However, they are still a lot behind the other team from Manchester and do have some weaknesses in the game.. Manchester United are one of the most popular teams, perhaps even the most popular, globally and this affects the odds on the betting market as many football fans love to bet on their favorite team. Most bookies aim at avoiding big risks – a guaranteed profit - no matter what the result of a game is - is usually the optimal position for them. Consequently, the odds on Manchester United are often way too low – lower than even the bookies actually think they should be in terms of actual probability estimation the bookies have.. Manchester United were very strong at home last season and we can expect something similar this season as well.. Opposing them at Old Trafford will most probably not be a great idea in most games. However, on the road they were often somewhat disappointing and do not seem to play with the same energy and confidence as in front of their enthusiastic fans. Tottenham do not have the very best fans by the Premier League fans but are still a massive boost for the team – especially early season when there is still all the play for! Moreover, the home advantage is often a bit higher than on average in the first home game of the season..

There is no doubt about the fact that Manchester United are the better team here by pure class but the difference in class between the two teams is surely much smaller than the bookies estimate..The visitors finished in third place last season with 75 points to their account. However, their number of expected points (xPTS) was just 65.12! This is a big difference and surely affects the odds here! ManU were not impressive at all in the first round despite beating Wolves at home 1-0 as massive favorites - priced below 1.30 to win. They recorded just marginally more than Wolves in expected goals (xG) – 1.87-1.85. Moreover, the visitors even recorded more shots on and off goal as well as goal attempts – 23-15. The visitors were denied a penalty late into the match. It was a very questionable decision from the referee.. Tottenham played a bad and turbulent last season and finished in 8th place after a bad ending to the season.. They have the potential to do better this season despite losing Harry Kane to Bayern Munich! They have a new manager who should bring more offensive quality, energy and a positive atmosphere into the team that still has a lot of quality players like Son – a dangerous and fast guy from South Korea. He can score 20+ goals this season.  It seems that losing Kane has been given too much emphasis by the bookies which has led to Tottenham being undervalued here.. With the substantial home advantage they deserve to be marginal favorites here but the bookies see the visitors as solid favorites! When the teams last played in this stadium it was a 2-2 draw in the spring but Tottenham recorded more in xG 2.54-2.12. Tottenham looked surprisingly energized on the pitch and played an entertaining match against Brentford away from home in the opening round. It was a somewhat balanced clash as a whole and a 2-2 draw. Tottenham did, however, have about 70% ball possession and recorded more goal attempts, attacks and dangerous attacks.






