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A very close game expected?







星期五2023-08-11 15:30




Japan continues to impress on the grand stage of the FIFA Women’s World Cup (WWC), progressing comfortably into the quarter-finals with a convincing 3-1 victory over Norway in the round of 16. This quarter-final berth comes on the back of a remarkable defensive record, having conceded just one goal in the entire tournament. Impressively, Japan has already netted 14 goals, surpassing their previous best of 12 from the 2011 edition when they lifted the trophy. Adding a touch of nostalgia to their journey, Japan also overcame their upcoming opponents, Sweden, with a 3-1 victory in the semi-finals during their triumphant 2011 campaign.

Manager Futoshi Ikeda emphasized the growth of the team's resilience following the Norway match, underscoring the collective effort that has propelled them forward. While he refrained from singling out any particular player, Hinata Miyazawa emerges as a standout figure, leading the Golden Boot race with an impressive five goals. Her performance could prove pivotal in Japan's quest for a third semi-final appearance in four WWC editions.

Sweden, third-place finishers in the 2019 edition, arrive at this juncture with their own momentum. They topped Group G unblemished and clinched a stunning round of 16 victory against defending champions USA, triumphing in a nerve-wracking penalty shootout. Lina Hurtig, the scorer of the crucial final penalty, candidly acknowledged the satisfaction of securing a win even when their performance wasn't at its best.

Despite Sweden's impressive record, they face a daunting task against an in-form Japanese side. Blågult, as the Swedish team is known, has emerged victorious against Japan twice in their three Women's World Cup head-to-head encounters, including a dominant 8-0 victory back in 1991. Yet, a win of any margin against Japan holds immense significance for Sweden. Buoyed by their formidable run of nine victories in their last 11 WWC matches, tempered by just two losses, Sweden can quietly nurture their confidence as they head into the encounter at Auckland’s Eden Park.

The key battle to watch unfolds between Sweden's Fridolina Rolfö and Japan's goalkeeper Ayaka Yamashita. Rolfö has contributed crucial goals and assists for Sweden, while Yamashita has demonstrated her prowess by conceding only once in her last five appearances. The upcoming clash promises to be an intriguing showdown between Sweden's attacking force and Japan's resolute defensive structure.

I believe the Swedes are undervalued due to the public picture of the Japanese team. The quality will prevail in favor of the Swedes in my eyes.


日本队继续在国际足联女足世界杯(WWC)的大舞台上留下深刻印象,在16强比赛中以令人信服的3-1战胜挪威队,轻松进入1 / 4决赛。四分之一决赛的入场权来自于出色的防守记录,在整个比赛中只丢了一个球。令人印象深刻的是,日本队已经打进了14个进球,超过了他们在2011年夺冠时创造的12个进球的纪录。在2011年的世界杯中,日本队在半决赛中以3:1战胜了即将到来的对手瑞典队,这也为他们的征途增添了一丝怀旧之情。


瑞典是2019年世界杯的第三名,在这个关键时刻,他们也有自己的动力。他们毫无瑕疵地排在G组的首位,并在一场令人紧张的点球大战中击败卫冕冠军美国队,取得了16强的胜利。最终关键点球的得分手莉娜·赫蒂格(Lina Hurtig)坦率地承认,即使他们的表现不是最好的,也能获得胜利。



