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Eliteserien pick/挪威超推荐







星期一2023-07-31 01:15




Bodø/Glimt won 5-2 away to Sandefjord last Sunday, and it was also three very deserved points after they played 11 to 10 in the last half hour.

Glimt was 0-1 down at half-time at home against Haugesund in the previous series round after a mediocre first half, but they came out with a completely different attitude after the break. It resulted in two goals in the first ten minutes so that the match was turned around, and it finally ended with a deserved 2-1 victory.

It has been a very good season from Bodø/Glimt so far, as they have 13 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss after 16 league rounds. There is a gap of nine points to Viking, who are the closest challengers, and there are 12 points to reigning league champions Molde.

Bodø/Glimt delivered another solid home game in Europe on Thursday when they beat Czech Bohemians 3-0 at Aspmyra in the qualification for the Conference League, and with three goals to go before the return match in Prague next week there should be advancement.

Tromsø were once again effective when they took on Brann last Sunday, where the three shots they had on goal went into the net, two of them signed by 19-year-old Jakob Romsaas, and it was thus a 3-1 victory after an even match that could go both ways.

TIL agrees with Bodø/Glimt on a transfer for Lasse Nordås, while Daniel Bassi goes the other way to Aspmyra, and the two will be ready to play for their new clubs when the transfer window opens on 1 August.

The hosts appear much stronger on the card, but the Arctic derby is never a simple match. Especially with the busy calendar, I don’t think Bodø/Glimt will go for a big win.

Let’s back TIL.

博德闪耀上周日客场 5-2 大胜桑讷菲,他们在最后半小时内11人打 10人,这也是他们当之无愧的三分。

在上一轮主场对阵海于格松的比赛中,博德闪耀上半场表现平庸,半场结束时以 0-1 落后。结果,他们在下半时十分钟连进两球,逆转了比赛,最终以 2-1 的比分取得了胜利。

到目前为止,博德闪耀本赛季表现出色,16 轮联赛过后取得了13胜2平1负的战绩。与最接近的挑战者维京相差9分,与卫冕冠军莫尔德队相差12分。

博德闪耀周四在阿斯普米拉主场以 3-0 击败捷克波希米亚人队,在欧协杯资格赛中再次交出了一份稳定的答卷,下周在布拉格的复赛前,他们手握3个进球优势,应该可以晋级。

上周日,特罗姆瑟在对阵布兰的比赛中再次表现出色,3脚射门全部入网,其中2个进球由 19 岁的罗姆萨斯完成,最终以 3-1 的比分战胜对手。

特罗姆瑟与博德闪耀就诺多斯的转会达成一致,而该队的巴斯则转会至博德闪耀,两人将在 8 月 1 日转会窗口开启后为新俱乐部效力。


