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World cup day #10 女世界杯 中国女VS海地女





星期五2023-07-28 19:00


China PR Women face Haiti women at the Hindmarsh Stadium in the FIFA Women's World Cup on Friday afternoon. Both nations endured identical 1:0 losses in their opening group fixtures against Denmark and England, respectively, and as a result, the loser of this Group D contest will be facing early elimination from the competition, while the winner will bounce back and revive their campaign. China looked set to pick up a point in their meeting with Denmark, before a 90th-minute header from Amalie Vangsgaard condemned the Asian champions to a 1-0 defeat. Meanwhile, debutants Haiti have exceeded expectations. While most previews suggested a huge win over England, it was only 1-0, much to the disappointment of the reigning European champions. Although Haiti were under pressure in both halves, the young and inexperienced team exhibited remarkable resilience. However, as much as their resilience is applaudable, they will not be able to escape defeat in the hands of China for the following reasons:

Firstly. China have featured in the knockout rounds in all of their previous six World Cup appearances, but their hopes of maintaining that 100% record received a setback in their opening game. Having claimed at least one victory in each of their six appearances at the World Cup finals, China will be hoping that they can continue that run with a win over Haiti. With China ranked 14th in the world and 39 places above Haiti, they will go into this contest as the favourites. Knowing the importance of this fixture.

Secondly. Haiti did not appear daunted by the prospect of facing the reigning European champions England, but they were ultimately left empty-handed following a narrow 1-0 defeat. The loss against England was their fifth consecutive defeat in all competitions. Having conceded in each of their last eight internationals, they will know that they need to improve defensively to get a positive result against China. They were able to avoid a resounding defeat, largely due to their discipline. China will be going all out against them, and they will not be able to hold them off for the whole of 90 minutes.

With Haiti proving themselves to be no pushovers in their narrow loss against England, and with both nations on the verge of an early elimination, this fixture seems likely to be a tight and nailbiting affair. However, I expect China to win as they are the favourites due to their superior form and experience.


周五下午,中国女足在欣德马什体育场迎战海地女足。两国在小组赛首战分别以1:0的比分输给了丹麦和英格兰,因此,D组的输家将面临提前出局的命运,而胜者将奋起直上,重振战局。中国队在与丹麦队的比赛中似乎要拿到一分,但在比赛进行到第90分钟时,范斯加德的头球破门,导致亚洲冠军以0 - 1落败。与此同时,海地的首次亮相超出了人们的预期。虽然大多数的预告都认为英格兰队会大胜,但结果只有1-0,这让卫冕欧洲冠军非常失望。虽然海地在上下半场都承受着压力,但这支年轻而缺乏经验的球队表现出了非凡的韧性。然而,尽管他们的韧性值得称赞,但他们将无法逃脱在中国手中的失败,原因如下:



