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Big value in final game 国际赛 美国VS加拿大





星期一2023-06-19 08:30


After an excellent performance in the semifinals and a 3-0 victory over Mexico, the USA secured a place in the finals of the CONCACAF National League. On the other hand, Canada had a somewhat easier task in its semi-final and without major problems defeated Panama 2-0. We are expecting a very exciting game because both teams have very young and talented players in their ranks. The USA played a very good match against Mexico in which they were more than dominant for a large part of the game. Mexico was in a completely subordinate position, as expected because they played without a large number of very important players. However, that victory for the USA came at a high price. In that match, Dest and McKennie, two very important players from the first lineup, received red cards and there is no doubt that their absence will be felt in this match. Canada is a much better team than Mexico right now and the USA needs all the players they can get to win. Of course, in this match the most will be expected from the captain Pulisic, who was a double scorer, but the Canadians will certainly pay extra attention to him.

It had been over two months since this Canadian team had played together on the international stage, and it showed on match against Panama, as they looked slow and a little out of sorts when in possession. Fortunately for John Herdman, his experienced group managed to shake off the rust and, ultimately, came away with a comfortable victory, advancing to the final of a major continental tournament for the first time since capturing the 2000 CONCACAF Gold Cup. They left a very good impression at the World Cup in Qatar and they lacked a bit of luck and experience to find themselves in the next phase. Most of the squad chosen for this week's encounters were a part of the World Cup team in Qatar. They are a talented group with lots of quality all over the field and with experience playing in big games for their club sides in Europe, and they added a little more experience on the bench recently as Herdman named former England women's manager Phil Neville as an assistant. The strongest part of this team is without a doubt the offensive part. The attack is led by the great Jonathan David, who had a great season in Lille and scored 24 goals in 37 matches, which is only 5 less than Mbappe, who was the league's top scorer. David will have great support in the form of Larin and young Buchanan, as well as Bayern Munich star Davies. Davies started the match against Panama from the bench, but in this match he should be expected in the team from the first minute. The stakes in this neighborhood derby are high, and as in every final, both teams will approach the match very carefully. Without two very important players, USA's job will be even more difficult against the very dangerous Canadians. The quality in the attack and the continuity in the last games indicate that Canada is not without a chance in this match and I believe that this game has a great chance to end after extra time or after penalties.



这支加拿大队已经有两个多月没有在国际舞台上一起比赛了,在对阵巴拿马的比赛中表现得很好,他们在控球时看起来很慢,而且有点状态不佳。幸运的是,约翰·赫德曼(John Herdman)带领的这支经验丰富的球队摆脱了锈迹,最终轻松获胜,自2000年夺得中北美和加勒比地区足球联合会金杯(CONCACAF Gold Cup)以来首次晋级大型洲际赛事的决赛。他们在卡塔尔世界杯上给人留下了非常好的印象,但他们缺乏一些运气和经验,无法在下一阶段找到自己。参加本周比赛的大部分球员都曾参加过卡塔尔世界杯。她们是一支才华横溢的球队,在各个领域都有很强的实力,在欧洲俱乐部的重要比赛中也有丰富的经验。最近,她们在替补席上增加了一些经验,因为赫德曼任命了前英格兰女足主教练菲尔·内维尔作为助理教练。毫无疑问,这支球队最强的部分是进攻部分。进攻端由伟大的乔纳森·大卫领衔,他在里尔度过了一个伟大的赛季,在37场比赛中打进24球,只比联赛最佳射手姆巴佩少5球。大卫将得到拉林和年轻的布坎南以及拜仁球星戴维斯的大力支持。戴维斯在对阵巴拿马的比赛中首发,但在这场比赛中,他应该从第一分钟就能出场。这场邻里德比的赌注很高,就像在每一场决赛中一样,两支球队都会非常谨慎地对待比赛。缺少了两位重要球员,美国队面对危险的加拿大队将会更加困难。前几场比赛的进攻质量和连续性表明,加拿大队在这场比赛中并非没有机会,我相信这场比赛很有可能在加时赛或点球后结束。
