  • 42


  • 846


Good odds here 瑞超 卡尔马VS代格福什





星期六2023-06-10 21:00


Kalmar has started the season in a good way, where they are in sixth place. In addition, you have played one less match than Djurgarden, which you pass if you beat Degerfors here. Many thought that the loss of manager Rydstrom, who took KFF to fourth place last year and was then signed by Malmo, would hit Kalmar hard. But new coach Jensen has, through a similar game model, with a lot of ball possession but at the same time focusing on securing the defense even, achieved similar performances so far. In addition, this year Kalmar has finally got a good number nine. Dane Rajovic, from the Danish second league, has scored a total of seven goals and is therefore in third place in the Allsvenskan shooting league. Degerfors started last year disastrously but then stood for a fantastic autumn. This year, they had hoped to be able to build on the autumn they were responsible for last year, but it hasn't been quite so brilliant. The team has recorded eleven points in twelve games, which is about what you can expect from "Degen". That point average should be enough to hang on, but it could very well take the team to a negative qualifying spot. I think right now Kalmar is a lot stronger than the guests and everything except a win for the home side would be a big surprise. Therefore bet falls on KFF to win this game.


卡尔玛本赛季开局不错,目前排名第六。此外,你比德约加登少打了一场比赛,如果你在这里击败德格弗斯,你就会通过这场比赛。许多人认为,去年带领KFF排名第四、随后被马尔默签下的主教练里德斯特罗姆的离去会对卡尔玛造成沉重打击。但新教练詹森通过类似的比赛模式,在大量控球的同时更注重防守,取得了类似的成绩。此外,今年卡尔玛终于取得了不错的第九名。来自丹麦第二联赛的丹恩·拉约维奇(Dane Rajovic)总共进了7球,因此在阿尔斯温斯坎射手榜上排名第三。德格福斯去年的开局是灾难性的,但随后迎来了一个美妙的秋天。今年,他们曾希望能够在去年秋天的基础上再接再厉,但并没有那么辉煌。这支球队在12场比赛中得到了11分,这是你可以从“德根”那里得到的。平均积分应该足以让球队坚持下去,但这很可能会让球队在预选赛中处于劣势。我认为现在卡尔玛比客队要强得多,除了主队获胜之外,其他一切都将是一个巨大的惊喜。因此打赌KFF会赢得这场比赛。
