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7/8 in last bets, 86% in Premier League





星期五2023-05-19 02:30




In one of the key matches for placement in the Champions League, Newcastle will welcome a very unpleasant Brighton on their field. Newcastle is currently in 3rd place in the table with the same number of points as Manchester United and one point more than Liverpool. Their advantage over Liverpool is that they have one game less, but I'm pretty sure that Newcastle don't want to complicate the situation unnecessarily. This match can potentially bring us a lot of goals, because both teams play extremely offensive football, with constant pressure on the ball. Newcastle have only won 1 point from the last 2 matches and it may seem that they are in a decline in form, but in my opinion, they are far from that. They played the last match 2-2 against Leeds, who need points in the fight for survival, which only shows that nothing is guaranteed in this league. During the season, Newcastle have played better games against teams from the upper part of the table and that is one of the reasons why I believe that this match will be better than the one that awaits them against Leicester. They have an extremely dangerous offensive part of the team, and perhaps somewhat unexpectedly, Wilson came to the fore, who scored 7 goals in the last 5 matches, and the fans certainly expect goals from him in this match as well.

As for Brighton, they are having a season to remember. They have a very good chance of playing in the Europa League this season and until the end of the season they have everything in their hands. However, the schedule at the end of the season does not work in their favor and very difficult matches await them. After this game, they have a potentially easy game against Southampton, and after that they play against Manchester City and Aston Villa, which is one of their main competitors for a place in Europe. They jeopardized their chances a bit with an unexpected convincing defeat against Everton at home, but after that they also unexpectedly achieved a convincing victory against Arsenal as visitors. It is very difficult to find anything negative about their game lately and they really play very likeable. They may have problems in this match, because they will be weakened by not playing March and Veltman, who are very important players for this team. Even the smallest detail can determine the course of this game and I have to give a slight advantage to Newcastle, who played some of their best matches right in front of their fans.



