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Good product from Holland







星期二2021-03-30 03:00




Dwayne Green is one regular defender in the home team and is missing the game due to the cards suspension. However, maybe it's not a big pity for the team conceded 68 goals in 29 matches? Den Bosch is the last placed team in Holland 2 league and are in poor form right now, losing the last two games and conceding 7 goals in the meantime (0-2 Almere and 1-5 vs Volendam). Also, hosts will be with some absences in this game. I am translating you the article from local newspapers:

"Frank Sturing is on the road with the national team of Canada, Ryan Trotman with that of Barbados and Lorenzo Soares Fonseca is in the selection for Cape Verde. And then actually Declan Lambert was also called up for the Olympic team of Australia."FC Den Bosch coach Jack de Gier remained extremely sober on Sunday in the absence of his three players. “Nice for those guys. They are nice trips ”, he said."

The three internationals are not the only ones absent from FC Den Bosch in Monday's game. Dwayne Green is in the second and last game of his suspension after his yellow card against FC Volendam two weeks ago. And Paco van Moorsel still suffers from the calf injury with which he dropped out in that match. In addition, the injured Jordy van der Winden, Najim Haidary, Steven van der Heijden, Adrien Bongiovanni, Rik Mulders, and Teun van Grunsven are missing.Away team arrives on the wings of 6 victories in their last 7 matches on the hands and are the seriously serious team for hosts. They seem hard to stop and have no big squad worries before the game as all of their key players reported healthy and no new worries for the coach. They feel good recently on the road with 4 wins in last 4 games when they traveled out of their home. GA Eagles have the best defense in the league - a rock with 19 goals conceded in 29 games. They look like concrete at times and no different they should look like today in Den Bosch. I see Go Ahead Eagles making their run extended with 2-0 or 1-0 victory.

德韦恩·格林(Dwayne Green)是主队的一名后卫,由于累积黄牌而缺席比赛。但是,对于29场比赛丢入68球的球队来说,这可能也不是太大的影响。登博思(Den Bosch)是荷乙联赛中排名倒数第二的球队,目前状态不佳,输掉了最近两场比赛,同时失了7球(0-2阿尔梅勒和1-5对阵沃伦丹)。另外,主队将在本场比赛中有一些球员缺席。当地报纸上的文章:

“弗兰克·斯特林(Frank Sturing)正在与加拿大国家队一起备战,瑞安·托特曼(Ryan Trotman)与巴巴多斯和洛伦佐·苏亚雷斯·丰塞卡(Lorenzo Soares Fonseca)入选佛得角。Declan Lambert也被邀请加入澳大利亚青年队。”登博斯教练杰克·德·吉尔(Jack de Gier)将会缺少三名球员。赛前他表示 “对那些球员来说入选国家队真是太好了。”

在这场比赛中,这三名球员并不是唯一缺席的球员。德韦恩·格林(Dwayne Green)在两周前对阵Volendam的黄牌之后,他被停赛。帕科·范·摩尔瑟(Paco van Moorsel)仍然遭受小腿伤,他在那场比赛中受伤。此外,乔迪·范德·温登,纳吉姆·海达里,史蒂文·范·德·海登,艾德里安·邦吉奥瓦尼,里克·穆德斯和蒂恩·范·格伦斯文也将缺席,客队在最近的7场比赛中取得了6场胜利,对主队来说是很难面对的对手。他们似乎很难被阻止,在本场比赛前也没有大的问题,因为他们所有的关键球员都处于健康的状态,教练也没有新的缺席。他们在客场赢下了最近的4场比赛,在客场的表现非常好。前进之鹰是防守最好的球队-在29场比赛中失掉19个球表现非常稳定。他们看上去非常专注。我预测前进之鹰以2-0或1-0取胜,扩大他们的良好势头。
