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Who will get three points? 谁能拿到三分?





星期六2023-04-22 19:30


The opening match of the weekend in the Premier League will be a clash between Fulham and Leeds United. The hosts, which are Fulham in this case, are in a favorable position as they have already secured their survival in the top tier and are now comfortably cruising towards the end of the season. Leeds United, on the other hand, are in desperate need of points as they are in danger of being relegated to a lower tier of the league.

Given the pressure and importance of the match, the odds for Fulham's victory are expected to shorten. The writer suggests that there is value in betting on Fulham to win, possibly because of the favorable position they are in and the negative situation of Leeds.

However, it is important to note that some key players are missing from both teams. For Fulham, James, Kebano, Kurzawa, and Mitrovic will be absent, while for Leeds, Adams and Dallas won't be playing.

Despite he absence of some key players, Fulham's recent 3-1 victory over Everton indicates that they have positive momentum and may be in good form leading up to this match.

A return to Craven Cottage may have the potential to provide a positive impact for Fulham in their upcoming match against Leeds United. While Fulham have lost their last two home matches without scoring a goal, they have shown good form at home prior to that, remaining unbeaten in their previous four home matches. One of those matches was a 2-0 FA Cup victory over Leeds United, which could provide a psychological advantage for Fulham in this upcoming fixture.




尽管缺少一些关键球员,但富勒姆最近 3-1 战胜埃弗顿表明他们有积极的势头,并且在这场比赛之前可能处于良好状态。

重返克拉文小屋可能会为富勒姆在即将到来的对阵利兹联队的比赛中带来积极影响。虽然富勒姆最近两场主场均未进一球,但此前他们在主场表现不俗,此前四场主场保持不败。其中一场比赛是足总杯 2-0 战胜利兹联队,这可以为富勒姆在即将到来的比赛中提供心理优势。
