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Great pick in Eerste Divisie 荷乙布雷达VS多德勒支





星期六2023-02-25 03:00


The Dutch Eerste Divisie is filled with thrilling matches and heated competition, but few can compare to the intensity of the upcoming match between Nec Breda and Dordrecht. Both teams have had very different seasons so far, so it should be a fascinating matchup. Let’s take a look at why Nec Breda stands a good chance of emerging victorious.

Nec Breda has been in excellent form this season. They are currently sitting in 11th place on the table, with 34 points from 25 games. They have won 10, drawn 4 and lost 11 of those games, which is already better than what was expected from this team. Their recent form has been particularly strong—they have only lost two of their last five matches while winning the remaining 3 convincingly.

Meanwhile, Dordrecht hasn’t had quite as much success this season. They are currently languishing in 16th place on the table, with just 26 from 25 games. As it stands now, they are on the two-game losing streak, which signals dire times for this team.

Nec Breda boasts some talented players that could make all the difference on match day. In particular, watch out for Velanasa and Omarsson who have both scored multiple goals each this season and can cause plenty of problems for opposing defences when they get into full flow. Meanwhile, goalkeeper Kortsmit has been in quite a form lately.

It’s clear that Breda go into this game as favourites given their superior position on the table and impressive recent form compared to Dordrecht’s struggles throughout the season thus far. With talented players leading their attack alongside Blaswich's rock solid defence, it looks likely that Nec Breda will come away with all three points when they face off against Dordrecht in what promises to be an exciting matchup! For any betting fans out there looking for a safe bet, it looks like Breda is your best option!



与此同时,多德勒支本赛季并没有取得那么大的成功。他们目前在积分榜上排名第 16 位,25 场比赛中只有 26 场。就目前而言,他们处于两连败中,这预示着这支球队的艰难时期。

布雷达拥有一些才华横溢的球员,他们可以在比赛日发挥重要作用。特别要注意 Velanasa 和 Omarsson,他们本赛季都打进了多个进球,当他们全速进攻时会给对方的防守带来很多问题。与此同时,守门员科茨密特最近状态很好。

