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Championship England!





星期三2023-02-22 03:45


Swansea and Stoke City have not lived up to their expectations of returning to the English Premier League. They are regular names in the top flight and still have a lot to do to return to the first division. Both teams clash on Tuesday at the Stadium and it's a battle for three big points. I'm more inclined to backing Stoke City to win or draw. Below are my reasons for this betting recommendation;

[1] Stoke City is enjoying a better spell than Swansea City. In the space of six games, Stoke City has gathered ten points while Swansea City has only managed four points in the same number of games. While both teams did not do well last week, it is the performances of Stoke City that has my attention in this game. Stoke City already has four wins this year but Swansea City can only boast of two wins this calendar year. At the beginning of the year, there was almost a 10 point gap between Swansea City and Stoke City but that distance has been cut to just five points and could even be fewer than that value after this game.

[2] Stoke City's recent player additions have tipped this game in their favour. The start of the English Championship was tough for Stoke City because they were not able to get all the players they needed in the summer but fast forward to the January transfer window, they got more than enough players to beat Swansea City. Stoke City went for very good players from big teams in the English premier league with players like Axel Tuanzebe, Ben Pearson, Ki-Jana Hoever, and Matija Sarkix all joining the club in the winter. These additions have added a lot to Stoke City as their results have been better since January, and I'm backing them to do well against Swansea City.

I have no doubts about Stoke City's capabilities in this game. They are well prepared and there are very few teams on the English Championship that can challenge them right now, so I am going with an away win or draw.
