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High scoring game? 英超纽卡斯尔VS利兹联





星期六2022-12-31 23:00


Newcastle started the second part of the season the way they ended the first, with a convincing victory against Leicester away from home. Newcastle played a great game and routinely won 3-0, scoring all the goals in the first half. The team led by the brilliant young professional Eddie Howe last lost in Liverpool 2-1 a few months ago and are on a 10-match winning streak in all competitions. Although they have very rich owners from Saudi Arabia, Newcastle buy very smartly and all the players they have brought in have fitted in brilliantly. The player who is certainly in the best form now is Miguel Almiron, until recently the most expensive paid player of Newcastle, who is slowly starting to justify the money invested in him. Also, good defense is the key to success this season. They conceded only 5 goals at home, 3 were scored by Man City at the beginning of the season. Newcastle plays in a 4-3-3 formation and of the bit players only Calum Wilson is questionable, so I expect the strongest possible lineup tomorrow. Newcastle is putting a lot of pressure on the defensive back line, especially at St. James's Park, and we will see how Leeds, who are not playing the best side this season, will fare. Leeds was deservedly beaten in their first game after the World Cup against defending champions Man City. Erling Haaland scored twice in his team's 3-1 victory. Leeds is still fighting for survival this season, and the biggest problem of this team is their defense, the third worst in the league. It was also seen in the preliminary games, that the Jesse Marsch team simply cannot save their net, in the previous two matches, they conceded as many as 7 goals. Leeds plays "run and gun", which means they score goals and concede much more. After a long time, Leeds will have almost the strongest possible squad, only Stuart Dallas and Luis Sinisterra will not play. I don't think it will help Leeds as Newcastle really look unbeaten at the moment. I think Leeds will manage to score tomorrow, they just play that style of football but I think in the end Newcastle will score more goals and win. He is waiting for an interesting match, and I suggest that you play for the victory of the home team, which is very strong this season and should win without any major problems.


纽卡斯尔在赛季后半段的开局和上半赛季一样,在客场击败莱斯特城,取得了令人信服的胜利。纽卡斯尔打了一场精彩的比赛,通常以3-0取胜,上半场就进了所有的球。这支由才华横溢的年轻职业球员埃迪·豪(Eddie Howe)率领的球队几个月前以2-1输给了利物浦,目前在各项赛事中取得了10连胜。尽管他们的老板来自沙特阿拉伯,但纽卡斯尔的买人非常精明,他们引进的所有球员都非常适合这里。现在状态最好的球员是米格尔·阿尔米隆,直到最近,他都是纽卡斯尔最昂贵的球员,他慢慢地开始证明投资在他身上的钱是合理的。此外,良好的防守是本赛季成功的关键。他们在主场只丢了5球,其中3球是赛季初被曼城打进的。纽卡的阵型是4-3-3,在小球员中只有卡拉姆·威尔逊还不确定,所以我期待明天最强的阵容。纽卡斯尔在后防线上施加了很大的压力,尤其是在圣詹姆斯公园,我们将看到本赛季表现不佳的利兹联会如何表现。利兹联在世界杯后的第一场比赛就被卫冕冠军曼城击败,这是当之无愧的。埃尔林·哈兰德梅开二度帮助球队3-1取胜。利兹本赛季还在为生存而战,这支球队最大的问题是他们的防守,在联赛中排名第三。在预选赛中也可以看到,Jesse Marsch队根本无法挽回比分,在前两场比赛中,他们丢了多达7个球。利兹联队的战术是“边跑边抢”,这意味着他们进球多,丢球多。在很长一段时间后,利兹联将拥有几乎最强的阵容,只有斯图尔特·达拉斯和路易斯·辛尼特拉将不会出场。我不认为这对利兹联有什么帮助,因为纽卡斯尔现在看起来真的保持不败。我认为利兹联明天会进球的,他们踢的就是那种足球风格,但我认为最终纽卡斯尔会进更多球并获胜。他正在等待一场有趣的比赛,我建议你为主队的胜利而战,这支球队本赛季非常强大,应该不会有任何大问题。
