  • 42


  • 16000


79% winnings in 20 LALIGA





星期五2022-12-30 02:15


Real Betis, a football club based in Seville, Spain, has had a month to analyze and address its poor performance prior to the World Cup break, during which it won just two of its last eight league matches. The club suffered a heavy 3-0 loss to Valencia before the break, but has played six friendlies in the interim, including a disappointing tour of South America. Real Betis will be looking to bounce back and take advantage of its strong home form in La Liga this season (W5, D1, L1) in order to secure a victory over Athletic Bilbao and move into fourth place in the league going into 2023. European football has been a regular occurrence at the Estadio Benito Villamarrin since 2018, and a top-four finish in LL remains the club's best chance at securing a spot in the UEFA Champions League. Athletic Bilbao, a football club based in the Basque region of Spain, has the incentive to win in order to potentially move into third place in LL, a position it has not reached since 2013/14. However, the club has struggled on the road in LL play since October, with just one point from its last eight away games and a record of D2, L2 in that time. Despite this, Athletic has a strong history at the Villamarín, with its last victory there coming five years ago. Borja Iglesias and Inaki Williams will be players to watch in the match. Iglesias has scored decisive headed goals in both of his prior career matches against Athletic, while Williams scored two goals in Athletic's 3-2 victory in the reverse fixture last season, part of his most recent LL brace. At the end, I think we gonna see draw after 90 minutes. Even at this early point of the season, this is a crucial encounter for both teams. Real Betis will have the benefit of playing at home, but Athletic have only lost four of their 14 league games this season, and I am seeing a close encounter will result in a draw.


位于西班牙塞维利亚的皇家贝蒂斯足球俱乐部在世界杯前花了一个月的时间来分析和解决他们糟糕的表现,在过去的8场联赛中,他们只赢了两场。俱乐部在中场休息前以0 - 3惨败给瓦伦西亚,但在此期间已经打了6场友谊赛,其中包括一场令人失望的南美之旅。皇家贝蒂斯将寻求反弹,并利用本赛季西甲联赛中强劲的主场状态(W5, D1, L1),以确保战胜毕尔巴鄂竞技,并在2023年之前升至联赛第四。自2018年以来,欧洲足球一直是贝尼托·维拉马林球场的常客,在LL赛区获得前四名仍然是俱乐部获得欧洲冠军联赛席位的最佳机会。毕尔巴鄂竞技是一家总部位于西班牙巴斯克地区的足球俱乐部,他们有动力赢得比赛,以便有可能升至LL区的第三位,这是他们自2013/14赛季以来从未达到过的位置。然而,自去年10月以来,俱乐部在LL的客场比赛中表现不佳,最近8场客场仅得1分,创下D2, L2的纪录。尽管如此,竞技在Villamarín有着悠久的历史,他们在那里的最后一次胜利是在五年前。博尔哈·伊格莱西亚斯和伊纳基·威廉姆斯将是这场比赛中值得关注的球员。伊格莱西亚斯在职业生涯前两场对阵竞技的比赛中都打进了决定性的头球,而威廉姆斯在上赛季的逆转比赛中打进了两球,帮助竞技3-2获胜,这是他最近一次的LL进球。最后,我想我们会在90分钟后看到平局。即使在赛季初期,这对两支球队来说都是一次至关重要的交锋。皇家贝蒂斯将有主场比赛的优势,但竞技本赛季在14场联赛中只输了4场,我认为一场势均力敌的比赛将会是平局。
