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A GREAT match to bet on!





星期五2022-12-23 19:30


Perth Glory VS Wellington Phoenix

Perth Glory host Wellington Phoenix for this Australian A-League round 9 battle at Macedonia park Friday afternoon Beijing time. The visitors are, in fact, a New Zealand-based team – the only one in this league. The A-League is not of too high level despite Australia's very positive performance in Qatar where they only lost 1-2 in the Playoffs against the eventual champions, Argentina! We cannot unfortunately expect a very high-level clash by A-League standards here – even by this league's standards.. However, my fans' and my goal is to make a long-term profit and the bookies seem to offer wrong odds quite often on this league! The biggest bookmakers with the largest stake limits see the visitors as solid favorites here and offer odds of around 2.30-2.35 for them to win.. I simply cannot agree with this! In my view the hosts are marginal favorites. Wellington have been a weak team on the road losing four of their latest five games away from home in this league. In August they did take two wins on the road in the Australian Cup though - first against Devonport, a small team, 4-0 away from home. They did, however, also beat a strong team, Melbourne City, 2-1 but the final score clearly flatters them..

Perth, on the other hand, have been very good at home recently taking two wins in a row and a draw before that. We must, however, keep in mind that they have played just one match in front of their fans so far in this league this season. This has, of course, had a negative impact on their season in terms of points and we must give this factor enough emphasis.. In this only home game they took a 2-1 win as clear underdogs according to the betting market. It was a somewhat balanced match that could have gone either way.. The visitors had 63% ball possession but Perth recorded much more shots on goal – 7-3. However, Perth allowed Western United to control the events on the pitch for long periods of time as the visitors were just passing the ball far from the hosts' goal - without much threat - quite a lot. Perth seemed to heavily rely on counter attacks – something they are pretty good at! In their most recent match on the 18th of this month they played quite well despite losing to Macarthur 0-1 as very clear underdogs. The ball possession was close to 50-50% and the hosts only recorded one more scoring attempt. However, Macarthur defended very well and as Perth lacked some speed and creativity in the offense they only managed to record one shot on target. Furthermore, on the 5th of November they did not have much of a chance against Melbourne City as massive underdogs and lost 0-4. Even so, the match was still a bit more balanced than the final score would suggest.. The hosts were simply even better than normally on that day! Yes, Perth Glory have just six points to their account but in terms of expected points (xPTS) they would have deserved more and they will surely take more points per game from now on. Not letting the league table fool you is very important indeed in professional sports betting.

By pure class Wellington are surely the better team but the margin is definitely much smaller than the standings would reflect! I believe the standings are, in fact, the main reason why the hosts are offered too high odds here.. The visitors have grabbed 10 points so far and occupy the 6th place in the standings. This was also their position at the end of last season. Nevertheless, I expect a worse season for them this time and even last season they took a few more points than they would have deserved in terms of (xPTS). This season their xPTS is just 8.02.. Their defense has not convinced me this season and they have allowed 14 goals. Especially lately it has been very shaky and their most recent three games the opponents have scored a total of seven goals! Their defensive structure is very far from top-level and the defenders make too many silly individual mistakes! I would not be too surprised to see the hosts score more than once here. In their most recent game Wellington Phoenix faced Adeleide United at home and did deserve the 3-1 win. Indeed, at home they have been quite a bit better than on the road.. Even so, before this they should be very happy with one point against Western Sydney Wanderers who were definitely the better team despite the 1-1 final score.. They had 65% ball possession and recorded more goal attempts, shots on goal, total passes, completed passes, attacks and dangerous attacks despite being underdogs in this clash.. Moreover, on the 13th of November Wellington were once were once again very vulnerable in defense and lost 2-3 at home to a pretty lowly team Western United who are currently in the 11th place - second-last. It was indeed disappointing as Wellington were priced below 2.00 by the bookies to take all three points. The match was, however, a somewhat balanced one. They can surely improve their defense but this kind of process is rarely a fast one..

According to a well-known and respected German website Transfermarkt.com the hosts’ squad is valued at 6.6 million euros. The visitors’ players total market value is just marginally higher - 7.20 million. The market values can, of course, sometimes be misleading, but the bookies and many professional football bettors pay more and more attention to these numbers.. The football (players) market is, after all, a global one. However, if two players are equally good and one of them is 20 years old and the other is 30 years old the younger guy, of course, has a much bigger market value.. In my view, both clubs's market values are more or less correct suggesting that there is very little between the two teams.. Perth Glory coach Ruben Zadkovich,36, has reported that a few members of his squad have small fitness problems and their possible absences could see others provided with an opportunity to prove their skills in the starting lineup.. John Koutroumbis, Zach Duncan and Ben Azubel all started on the bench in the hosts' latest game but they will be hoping for spot in the starting eleven on Friday. The visitors, on the other hand, were boosted by the return of captain A. Rufer, who entered the pitch as a late substitute last weekend after being out of action since March due to an a knee injury. He is far from his 100% though and I am not sure if the betting market fully regonizes this..

Perth's possible starting lineup:

Reddy, Muir, Khelifi, Beevers, Lachman, Clisby R. Williams, Duncan, McEnef, Jelacic, D. Williams

Wellington's possible starting lineup:

Sail; Elliot, Payne, Wootton, Mauragis; Yan, Ugarkovic, Lewis, Kraev, Ball, Zawada




北京时间周五下午,珀斯荣耀队将在马其顿公园主场迎战澳大利亚甲a联赛第9轮的威灵顿凤凰队。事实上,客队是一支来自新西兰的球队——联赛中唯一一支。a联赛的水平并不高,尽管澳大利亚在卡塔尔的表现非常积极,他们在季后赛中只输给了最终的冠军阿根廷队1-2 !不幸的是,从a联赛的标准来看,我们不能期待一场高水平的比赛,即使是按照这个联赛的标准。然而,我的球迷和我的目标是获得长期利润,而博彩公司似乎经常在这个联赛中提供错误的赔率!最大的博彩公司有最大的赌注限制,他们认为游客是可靠的热门,并为他们提供约2.30-2.35的赔率。我完全不能同意这一点!在我看来,东道主是不太受欢迎的。惠灵顿在客场是一支弱队,在联赛中最近的五场客场比赛中输了四场。在8月的澳大利亚杯上,他们确实取得了两场客场胜利——第一次是对阵德文波特,一支小球队,客场4-0。然而,他们也以2比1击败了强队墨尔本城,但最终的比分显然让他们得意。

另一方面,珀斯最近在主场表现非常好,取得了两连胜,之前还有一场平局。然而,我们必须记住,本赛季到目前为止,他们在球迷面前只踢了一场比赛。当然,这对他们本赛季的积分产生了负面影响,我们必须给予这个因素足够的重视。在这场唯一的主场比赛中,根据博彩市场的数据,他们以2-1获胜,显然处于劣势。这是一场势均力敌的比赛,任何一方都有可能获胜。客队拥有63%的控球率,但珀斯队的射门次数更多,为7-3。然而,珀斯让西联在很长一段时间内控制了球场上的局势,因为客队只是在远离主队球门的地方传球——没有太多威胁——相当多。珀斯似乎严重依赖于反击——这是他们非常擅长的!在本月18日的最近一场比赛中,尽管他们以0-1的比分输给了麦克阿瑟队,但他们表现得相当不错。控球率接近50% -50%,东道主只记录了一次得分尝试。然而,麦克阿瑟防守得非常好,由于珀斯队在进攻中缺乏速度和创造力,他们只成功地射正了一次。此外,在11月5日对阵墨尔本城的比赛中,他们没有太多的机会,以0-4输掉了比赛。即便如此,比赛仍然比最终比分所显示的要平衡一些。那一天,东道主的表现简直比平时还要好!是的,珀斯荣耀队只有6分,但就预期积分而言,他们应该得到更多,从现在开始,他们每场比赛肯定会得到更多的积分。在职业体育博彩中,不让排名表欺骗你是非常重要的。


据德国知名网站Transfermarkt.com报道,东道主球队的身价为660万欧元。客队球员的总市值略高,为720万。当然,市场价值有时会误导人,但博彩公司和许多职业足球投注者越来越关注这些数字。毕竟,足球(球员)市场是全球性的。然而,如果两个球员同样优秀,其中一个20岁,另一个30岁,年轻的球员当然有更大的市场价值。在我看来,两家俱乐部的市场价值或多或少都是正确的,这表明两支球队之间的差距很小。36岁的柏斯光荣队主教练鲁本·扎德科维奇表示,他的球队中有几名队员的身体有些小问题,他们的缺席可能会让其他人有机会在首发阵容中证明自己的技术。约翰·库特伦比斯,扎克·邓肯和本·阿祖贝尔在东道主最近的比赛中都在替补席上首发,但他们将希望在周五的比赛中获得首发11人的位置。另一方面,客队由于队长a . Rufer的复出而振作起来,他在上周末替补出场,自3月份因膝伤缺席比赛以来。他还远远没有达到100%,我不确定博彩市场是否完全认识到这一点。


Reddy, Muir, Khelifi, Beevers, Lachman, Clisby R. Williams, Duncan, McEnef, jellacic, D. Williams


帆;Elliot, Payne, Wootton, Mauragis;扬,乌加科维奇,刘易斯,克雷夫,鲍尔,扎瓦达

< / p > < p >祝你好运!

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