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星期日2022-08-21 03:30


FC Porto are the current champion after the amazing season 2021/2022 they did beating all the records on the league - Most wins in a row, record of points, best defense, best attack... The coach Sergio Conceiçao is already in the history of FC Porto and I am pretty sure that this season will be his last on Porto, he already deserves to coach a top team, in the beginning of the season he was linked to Paris SG, but he didn't accept to coach the super ego of Neymar, Mbappe and Messi. The problem of Porto normally are the first matches of the season, where the team still lacks the intensity that Sergio Conceiçao likes, but seems that this season he worked something different in the pre-season and they already won 3 official matches in 3 games - won the Super Cup against Tondela and then won 5-1 Maritimo and beat Vizela by 1-0 on the last game. They come from a tough win against Vizela where they only scored in the last minute by the centre-back Marcano and for sure it gave a lot of motivation to face this match. Since Sergio is the coach of Porto they were never inferior to any team on the big games (Braga, Sporting and Benfica), they always dominate the opponents and I don't expect it to be different today. The tickets are already sold and stadium will be completely full. They will press a lot Sporting in the defense and I am sure that Sporting will lose a lot of balls in the defense - the centre-back of Sporting Gonçalo Inacio is doing a bad start of season and is very nervous, against Braga he was destroyed by the striker Vitinha and today with the pressing of Evanilson and Taremi for sure he will lose some balls aswell.

Probable line-up: Diogo Costa; Joao Mario - Pepe - Marcano - Zaidu; Uribe - Grujic - Otavio - Pepê; Taremi and Evanilson.

Sporting CP improved a lot since the season 2020/2021 where they won the league and became champions after 18 years without winning the league, it was the first complete season by the coach Ruben Amorim - he transformed the whole club and now Sporting are a solid and stable club. They did not start well the season against Braga where they drew 3-3 but conceded the 3rd goal of Braga in the minute 88 and it cost them 2 points already, they are already 2 points behind Porto and Benfica (the main rivals). This game is very important for them, but the week started terribly for Sporting as in Monday the best player of Sporting CP - Matheus Nunes signed for Wolverhampton and for sure will be there only 1 year before jumping to Manchester City or Liverpool due to the agent Jorge Mendes. In the press conference the coach Ruben Amorim showed his dissatisfaction for losing the strong midfielder. I cannot see Sporting not losing against Porto without his best player.

Probable line-up: Adan; Pedro Porro - Gonçalo Inacio - Coates - Matheus Reis - Nuno Santos; Ugarte - Morita; Pedro Gonçalves - Francisco Trincao and Marcus Edwards.

波尔图队在令人惊叹的 2021/2022 赛季之后成为现任冠军,他们确实打破了联赛的所有记录——连续获胜最多、得分记录、最佳防守、最佳进攻……教练塞尔吉奥·孔塞索已经载入史册FC Porto 我很确定本赛季将是他在波尔图的最后一个赛季,他已经配得上执教一支顶级球队,赛季初他与巴黎圣火联系在一起,但他没有接受执教中超内马尔、姆巴佩和梅西的自我。波尔图的问题通常是赛季的第一场比赛,球队仍然缺乏塞尔吉奥·孔塞索喜欢的强度,但似乎本赛季他在季前赛中的表现有所不同,他们已经在 3 场比赛中赢得了 3 场正式比赛——战胜通德拉夺得超级杯,随后5-1拿下马里蒂莫,最后一场比赛1-0击败维泽拉。他们来自对维泽拉的一场艰难的胜利,他们在最后一分钟才被中后卫马尔卡诺打进一球,这肯定给了很多人面对这场比赛的动力。由于塞尔吉奥是波尔图的主教练,他们在大型比赛中从不逊于任何球队(布拉加、葡萄牙体育和本菲卡),他们总是统治着对手,我不认为今天会有所不同。门票已经售出,体育场将完全爆满。他们会在防守端给葡萄牙体育施加很多压力,我相信葡萄牙体育会在防守端丢很多球——冈萨洛·伊纳西奥的中后卫在赛季开局时表现不佳,而且非常紧张,对阵布拉加时他被摧毁了由前锋维蒂尼亚和今天在埃瓦尼尔森和塔雷米的压迫下,他肯定也会失去一些球。

自从 2020/2021 赛季他们赢得了联赛冠军并在 18 年没有赢得联赛冠军后成为了冠军,葡萄牙体育有了很大的进步,这是主教练鲁本·阿莫林第一个完整的赛季——他改变了整个俱乐部,现在体育是一个稳固的和稳定的俱乐部。他们在本赛季对阵布拉加的比赛中开局不佳,他们以 3-3 战平,但在第 88 分钟丢掉了布拉加的第 3 个进球,这已经让他们损失了 2 分,他们已经落后波尔图和本菲卡(主要对手)2 分。这场比赛对他们来说非常重要,但本周开始对体育来说非常糟糕,因为周一体育最佳球员马修斯·努内斯(Matheus Nunes)签下了伍尔弗汉普顿(Wolverhampton),并且肯定会在转会曼城或利物浦之前只有一年的时间。豪尔赫·门德斯。在新闻发布会上,主帅鲁本·阿莫林表达了对失去这位强势中场的不满。如果没有他最好的球员,我认为葡萄牙体育不会输给波尔图。
