  • 804


  • 24964


Best Monday's bet!!





星期二2022-08-16 03:30


Betis -1 is for me the best bet this Monday. After an excellent Sunday with 3 bets won, we will continue to make money.

Betis returned to the spotlight last season, won the Copa del Rey and scored a sensational fifth in La Liga. This season they dream of surprising even more and reaching the fourth place that gives access to the Champions League. The team is very strong, the previously contested W. Carvalho climbed the field and now as an attacking midfielder he is playing at a very high level. M. Pellegrini is showing that he is a top trainer and that he can do very good things with his time on the job. They play offensively, like to have the ball and have no trouble getting the opponent involved. Juanmi is very good and manages to create numerous imbalances, strikers with goals are not lacking. W. José and Borja Mayoral are very good, when the defenders are tired, one leaves and the other enters. Then on the other wing there is the young Rodri or the new whoop, L. Henrique who came from Fluminense.

Elche has more modest ambitions, it's the first time they've managed to spend 3 consecutive seasons in the first division. This demonstrates the strength of the team, both technically and financially. They are not used to this level and struggle a lot to get the maintenance. For this they use their stadium very well but have difficulties when playing away. Last season there were 12 defeats in 19 games. They go to defend and try to hold the 0-0 as much as possible, but Betis' attack has a lot of quality and they won't be able to hold it.

Betis is growing, the team is confident and comes very moralized from the last season. At home, with the support of the fans, they won't waste the 3 points.



贝蒂斯在上赛季重新回到聚光灯下,赢得了国王杯,并在西甲取得了令人激动的第五粒进球。本赛季,他们梦想着获得更多的惊喜,获得第四名,从而进入欧冠。这支球队非常强大,之前备受争议的W.卡瓦略登上了赛场,现在作为一名攻击型中场,他的水平非常高。佩莱格里尼正在展示他是一名顶级教练,他可以利用工作时间做非常好的事情。他们打得很有进攻性,喜欢拿球,让对手参与进来很容易。胡安非常出色,他创造了无数的不平衡,有进球的前锋并不缺乏。José和Borja Mayoral非常好,当防守者累了,一个离开,另一个进入。另一边是年轻的罗德里,或者是来自弗卢米嫩塞的新恩里克。


