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星期日2022-08-07 03:30


FC Porto already started the official season, so they have 1 important game in advantage to Maritimo - the Super Cup that they won by 3-0 against Tondela. Porto is known for the high pace and rhythm they put in every game, a mark from the coach Sergio Conceicao who is the best portuguese coach at the moment. Sergio Conceicao worked a lot with the team to improve the way they start the season as in the last 2 seasons they started bad and lost some important points and this season seems that it has been fixed looking for the amazing game they did against Tondela in the last weekend. Yesterday they announced a new signing, the best midfielder from Estoril - the creative left foot Andre Franco formed on Sporting CP joined Porto for 4M Euros. I expect Porto to start the game really well and trying to score the 1st goal very early in the game as they always do in every game. There are some important news for them, the 4 players that missed the Super Cup are able for this game - the centre-backs David Carmo and Fabio Cardoso, the best portuguese goalkeeper Diogo Costa and the most influent player of Porto that is a starter already for Portuguese national team - Otavio. Otavio knows everything that Sergio Conceicao wants as he is the player that works longer with him, since Vitoria Guimaraes in 2015/2016. They have no absences for this first match of the league.

Probable line-up: Diogo Costa; Joao Mario - Pepe - David Carmo - Zaidu; Uribe - Grujic - Otavio - Pepe; Evanilson and Taremi.

Maritimo kept the same coach that did a solid season since he arrived - Vasco Seabra, but this season I think that they will fight until the last matches to survive in Primeira Liga. Their best player of the last season 2021/2022 Rafik Guitane was loaned by Reims and is back to the french team. In the attack they lost the top 2 goalscorers from the last season - Ali Alipour that moved to Gil Vicente and Joel Tagueu (this one was not officially confirmed yet, but is likely to start on the bench this game as he missed some friendlies). They lack some individual talent and the coach Vasco Seabra likes his teams to take a lot of risks against every team and against a team like Porto that for me is one of the best teams of the world pressing high it can be deadly - that's why in the last season they lost 7-1 against Benfica in Estadio da Luz. I expect the same mentality and the same approach for this season.

Probable line-up: Trmal; Claudio Winck - Zainadine - Matheus Costa - Vitor Costa; Diogo Mendes - Miguel Sousa - Bruno Xadas; Andre Vidigal - Edgar Costa and Pablo Moreno.

波尔图已经开始了正式赛季,因此他们有 1 场重要的比赛——他们以 3-0 战胜通德拉赢得的超级杯。波尔图以他们在每场比赛中的高节奏和节奏而闻名,这是目前葡萄牙最好的教练塞尔吉奥·孔塞考(Sergio Conceicao)的标志。塞尔吉奥·孔塞考与球队一起努力改善他们本赛季的开局方式,因为在过去的两个赛季中,他们开局很糟糕,丢掉了一些重要的分数,而本赛季似乎已经修复了他们在对阵通德拉的比赛中所做的精彩比赛上周末。昨天他们宣布了一个新的签约,来自埃斯托里尔的最佳中场球员——在体育 CP 上形成的富有创造力的左脚安德烈·弗兰科以 400 万欧元的价格加盟波尔图。我预测波尔图能够很好地开始比赛,并像他们在每场比赛中所做的那样,在比赛的早期就打进第一个球。对他们来说有一个重要的消息,错过超级杯的4名球员能够参加这场比赛——中后卫大卫·卡尔莫和法比奥·卡多索,葡萄牙最佳门将迪奥戈·科斯塔,波尔图最具影响力的球员,已经是葡萄牙国家队的首发球员——奥塔维奥。自 2015/2016 赛季的 Vitoria Guimaraes 以来,Otavio 知道 Sergio Conceicao 想要的一切,因为他是与他合作更长时间的球员。他们没有缺席联赛的第一场比赛。

马里蒂莫保留了上赛季以来表现稳定的主教练——瓦斯科·西布拉,但本赛季我认为他们将战斗到最后一场比赛才能在西甲联赛中生存下来。他们上赛季2021/2022赛季最好的球员拉菲克·吉塔内被兰斯租借并回到了法国队。在进攻中,他们失去了上赛季的前两名射手——阿里·阿里普尔(Ali Alipour),转会到吉尔·维森特(Gil Vicente)和乔尔·塔格(Joel Tagueu)(这个还没有得到官方确认,但由于错过了一些友谊赛,他很可能在本场比赛中替补首发)。他们缺乏一些个人天赋,教练瓦斯科·西布拉(Vasco Seabra)喜欢他的球队在对抗每支球队和像波尔图这样的球队时冒很多风险,对我来说,这是世界上最好的球队之一,高位逼抢可能是致命的——这就是为什么上个赛季,他们在大卢兹球场以 7-1 输给了本菲卡。本赛季他们有同样的心态和方法。预测波尔图大胜。
