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  • 1278


How many goals they will score today?





星期六2022-07-23 19:00


In my opinion Furth have really good chances to make at least one point in today's match up.

Furth have really good record against Nurnberg as they didn't lost in 14 of last 16 matches against them. Gruth have superb streak at this stadium as they won last 5 consecutive away matches in Nurnberg.

Furth was relegated from Bundesliga, but with new coach Marc Schneider on the bench they have big ambitions for this season. According to the ratings - Tillman and Christiansen were best Furth players in previous season. Both stayed in club and looked good, same as best scorer and assistant from last season Hrgota. New offensive players like winger Ache (came from the bench) looked extremely dangerous. Furth recorded draw in first match of the season at home against Kiel, but that wasn't deserved result at all: expected goals scored for Furth 2.61, for Kiel 0.61.

Nurnberg in previous season was bottom half of the table team in Goals Conceded per Game department. They conceded 49 goals in 34 matches and today I see big problem for them to keep clean sheet against Furth dangerous offensive formation. In previous season defensive midfielder Geis was the best player in whole team (according to the ratings). He missed first round match and is very doubtful today. Central midfielder Tempelmann was second-best, but he will not play today - get injured in first round. Key central defender Sorensen (played in first round) left the club couple days ago. In addition to that best scorer from previous season Dovedan is not in club anymore. There is a lot of changes in squad and it's visible - team don't have chemistry. In first round they conceded 3 fast goals against Hannover. In second half Hannover allowed them to score twice, but that wasn't convincing at all.

Furth coach is good coach in terms of tactic and I'm sure he is able to prepare good plan how to break Nurnberg unstable defense here and there.


菲尔特在对阵纽伦堡的比赛中取得了非常好的战绩,因为他们在过去16场比赛中14场都没有输掉比赛。菲尔特在这个体育场的连胜纪录非常出色,他们在纽伦堡连续 5 场客场比赛获胜。

菲尔特从德甲降级,但新教练马克施耐德在替补席上,他们对本赛季抱有很大的野心。根据收视率——蒂尔曼和克里斯蒂安森是上个赛季弗斯最好的球员。两人都留在俱乐部,看起来不错,与上赛季赫尔戈塔的最佳射手和助理一样。像边锋阿奇(来自替补席)这样的新进攻球员看起来非常危险。 菲尔特在本赛季首场主场对阵基尔的比赛中战平,但这根本不是应得的结果:菲尔特的预期进球数为 2.61,基尔的进球数为 0.61。


