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Can Ulsan Hyundai win here?





星期六2022-07-09 19:00


We have a duel between two good South Korean teams - Daegu and Ulsan Hyundai. Daegu will host Ulsan, as these two meet for the second time in 2022. The first meeting took place on Ulsan's ground, with the game ending 3-1 in Hyundai's favor. Daegu lost three of the previous four matches against Hyundai, who continues to be a dominant force in the Korean K League 1. The hosts are seventh-placed on the ladder, but are the second-strongest host in the top division. However, Ulsan leads the table in the first place, with a five-point lead ahead of the second-placed Jeonbuk. Hoping to increase the gap to eight points, the guests will go to the clash with a must-win mentality.

Daegu stays unbeaten since April, continuing a seventeen-game undefeated streak. However, this opponent is able to end their run, and will do its best to achieve that. Ulsan is coming from a 2-1 win over Gangwon, while Daegu comes to the meeting from a 1-1 draw against the second-last team in the league, Suwon. Three of the hosts' previous four matches ended in a tie, two of which were against poor sides. Alexandre Gama's men fight for the top six after a third-place finish in 2021, and are not on the same level as the last season. A poor defense conceded twenty-four goals so far, while the squad managed to score twenty-six times. The guests found the net thirty times in twenty matches, having the best attack in the league.

The hosts' top scorer Go Jae-Hyeon failed to score in his last two appearances, seeing a downfall in form after a great start to the year. Meanwhile, two of the six highest-scoring players in the league play for the away team, and both scored a goal in the club's last game. I expect Hyundai to win here. Good luck!



大邱从4月开始保持不败,连续17场不败。然而,这个对手能够结束他们的运行,并将尽其所能实现这一点。蔚山队以2比1战胜江原队,而大邱队则以1比1战平联赛倒数第二的水原队。东道主此前的四场比赛中有三场以平局收场,其中两场是对阵实力较弱的球队。亚历山大·伽马(Alexandre Gama)的男队在2021年获得第三名后争夺前六名,与上个赛季的水平不一样。到目前为止,糟糕的防守让球队丢了24个球,而球队却进了26个球。客队在20场比赛中获得了30次进球,拥有联赛中最好的进攻。

