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Best Thursday's bet! 12中10 周四解放者杯精选





星期五2022-07-08 08:30


Estudiantes -0.5 is something we can't afford to miss for several reasons.

I saw the first leg game and Estudiantes is technically much superior to Fortaleza. Despite the game being away, they were much superior. They controlled the ball, had the best scoring chances and were unlucky not to win the game. The 1-1 forces them to win this game to avoid the decision by penalties. Playing at home they are very strong, they won the 3 games of the first stage without much difficulty and against very good teams, maybe better than Fortaleza. They won against Velez, RB Bragantino and Nacional. They are totally focused on this game and that's why some players rested over the weekend. If they pass this round they will play against Atl. Paranaense, which is not a very strong team. In other words, they have great chances in this Libertadores.

Fortaleza on the other hand has already made their dream Libertadores. In fist participation they managed to pass the group stage and that was already spectacular for them. But they are not a team used to games at this level and to the wear and tear that this competition requires. Squad is short, the reserves don't have the same quality as the starters and this is being very tough in the championship. They are in last position, 7 points behind a place outside the Z4. The fans are very worried and just want to get out of this situation. In the first leg they no longer filled the stadium and are no longer excited about the competition. I believe that for them to be eliminated here is a positive thing. In addition to the championship they are in the Brazil Cup and playing against the biggest rival that is Ceara, they prefer to pass this round to this one in Libertadores. On the weekend, due to the situation in the championship, they had to play with the main players and that's why they don't arrive at this game in the best physical shape.

Estudiantes is fully focused on this competition while Fortaleza is already satisfied with what they have achieved here.


我看了第一回合的比赛,拉普大学在技术上比福塔莱萨要好得多。尽管比赛在客场作战,但他们的表现要好得多。他们控制了球,拥有最好的得分机会,但不幸没有赢得比赛。 1-1迫使他们赢得这场比赛以避免点球大战的决定。在主场他们非常强大,他们在第一阶段的3场比赛中轻松获胜,并且对阵非常优秀的球队,也许比福塔莱萨更好。他们战胜了 Velez、RB Bragantino 和 Nacional。他们完全专注于这场比赛,这就是为什么一些球员在周末休息的原因。如果他们通过这一轮,他们将与竞技队比赛。这不是一支非常强大的球队。换句话说,他们在解放者杯中很有机会。

另一方面,福塔莱萨已经实现了他们的解放者杯的梦想。他们通过了小组赛,而那已经是对他们来说已经很成功。但他们不是一支习惯于这种级别的比赛以及这场比赛所需要的磨损的球队。球队的阵容很薄弱,轮换阵容的实力不如首发,这在杯赛赛中非常艰难。联赛他们处于最后一个位置,比 Z4 落后 7 分。球迷们非常担心,只想摆脱这种情况。在第一回合,他们不再挤满体育场,也不再对比赛感到兴奋。我相信他们在杯赛中被淘汰是一件好事。除了在巴西杯上获得冠军外,他们还与最大的对手塞阿拉交手,他们更愿意将这一轮传递给解放者队。周末,由于冠军的情况,他们不得不与主力球员一起比赛,这也是他们没有以最佳身体状态参加这场比赛的原因。

