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They are really toothless at the moment 芬兰杯分享





星期三2022-06-29 23:00


In my opinion Inter Turku have really good chances to avoid loss in today's match up.

Both teams at the moment are in totally different mood. Inter didn't lost in last 7 matches in a row and coming for this game full of confidence. In addition to that they won 2 of last 4 matches against HJK, so for sure they are fearless. On the other hand HJK failed to win in last 4 consecutive matches.

Inter don't have any new absences and their line up should look exactly the same like in previous match. HJK have two new absences in line up in comparison to the last league match, they are without defender Toivio and midfielder Yli-Kokko - both started in first squad. It's huge blow for the team and should have bad impact on their performance today.

HJK at the moment have huge problems with goalscoring - they scored only one goal in last 4 matches! In last match they lost 1:2 on away against Mariehamn - one of the worst team in whole league. HJK conceded 2 goals from 5 shots, defensive formation don't have consistency at all. How they will play against Inter?

Inter Turku at the moment flying sky-high. In last match they completely trashed 5:1 Lahti at home. Striker Kallman scored two goals and will be very hard to stop today. Hosts scored at least one goal in last 8 matches in a row and they should be able to continue that streak today. On the other hand one goal should be enough to avoid loss against toothless HJK.



图尔库没有任何新的缺席,他们的阵容应该和之前的比赛完全一样。与上一场联赛相比,赫尔辛基有两个新的缺席,后卫 Toivio 和中场 Yli-Kokko - 他们都在一线队首发。这对球队来说是一个巨大的打击,应该会对他们今天的表现产生不好的影响。

赫尔辛基目前在进球方面存在很大问题——他们在过去的4场比赛中只进了一球!在上一场比赛中,他们客场以 1:2 输给了整个联赛最差球队之一的玛丽港。


此刻图尔库状态正佳。在上一场比赛中,他们在主场以 5:1 彻底击败了拉赫蒂。前锋卡尔曼打进两球,今天将很难阻止。主队在连续 8 场比赛中至少打入一球,他们应该能够在今天继续保持这一势头。只要取得进球应该可以避免在本场输给赫尔辛基。
