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BIG NEWS - Let's try 5 in 5







星期日2022-06-26 02:30


Defensa Y Justicia are in a terrible moment of 7 games without winning and because of that are in 26th position with only 3 points. The club is living a very bad moment and it will reflect in this game. Defensa are financially bad too and that's why this week they sold 2 important players for the club and probably 2 of the best players - Rotondi and Walter Bou. For this game they have more 2 important players in doubt that can miss this game too, Pizzini y Frias. The midfielder Raul Loaiza left the club to join Lanus and Hachen his contract will expire and he won't continue in the club. The coach Sebastian Beccacece said this strong sentence "We are 14 professionals that will go to the pitch, the goalkeeper Unsain and the rest are u19" - this game will be terrible for them and I am really confident that Velez can really win this game without much effort.

Velez Sarsfield are in a bad position too, in the 20th place with only 1 more point that Defensa Y Justicia but they had a tougher calendar in my opinion. They come for this game after a win by 2-0 against Rosario Central that gave to them a lot of confidence and the motivation they were needing to get a good streak of wins. For this game Velez have no important absences, just some players that do not usually play that are still recovering from their injuries.

I am sending this bet mostly because of Defensa Y Justicia's problems and because they have many misses to play this game and Velez need to be favorite for this game due to that.

防御正与处于 7 场比赛没有获胜的糟糕状态,因此仅积 3 分排在第 26 位。俱乐部正在度过一个非常糟糕的时刻,这将反映在这场比赛中。 Defensa 的财务状况也很糟糕,这就是为什么本周他们为俱乐部出售了 2 名重要球员,可能还有 2 名最好的球员——Rotondi 和 Walter Bou。对于这场比赛,他们还有 2 名重要的球员也可能错过这场比赛,Pizzini y Frias。中场劳尔·洛艾萨离开俱乐部加盟拉努斯,而哈钦的合同即将到期,他不会继续留在俱乐部。主教练 Sebastian Beccacece 说了这句强有力的句子“我们是 14 名将上场的职业球员,守门员 Unsain 和其余的是 u19”——这场比赛对他们来说将是可怕的,我非常有信心 Velez 能够在没有的情况下赢得这场比赛很多努力。

萨斯菲的排名也很糟糕,排在第 20 位,仅比 Defensa Y Justicia 多 1 分,但在我看来,他们的日程安排更加艰难。他们在以 2-0 战胜罗萨里奥中央队后前来参加这场比赛,这给了他们很大的信心和动力,他们需要获得连胜。对于这场比赛,贝莱斯没有重要的缺席,只是一些通常不参加比赛的球员仍在恢复中。

