  • 804


  • 24964


Best Wednesday's bet!





星期四2022-06-23 06:30


Brazil Cup game, which involves a lot of money. It's a very important competition. CAP +0.5 over 1.5 is a very good bet, as is 0.0 over par.

Bahia was relegated last season, something that was not expected and that left marks on the team. The main objective of this season is promotion, they have to return to Serie A and the main focus is there. In this game Didi, E. Santos and Rildo cannot play because they already played in this competition for another team. They had to lower the quality of the team due to relegation and therefore the technical quality is not Serie A level and by playing at home they will feel obliged to attack and try to solve the tie in this game because away will be very difficult. So they will have to attack a team stronger than them and with that leave space to be exploited in the opponent's counterattack.

Atl. Paranaense according to its president has the strongest squad ever. They bet a lot this season and they dream big. They are third in the championship and in the round of 16 of the Libertadores and Brazil Cup. Winning the championship will be very difficult, so, unlike Bahia, their main focus is on Libertadores and especially on the Brazil Cup. So they come with everything for this game. Felipão (ex Chelsea, Brazil or Portugal) is the coach and his specialty is these competitions to be eliminated. He knows what to do and he won't take any chances in this game. That way they will be calm waiting for Bahia and will have plenty of room to kill the game. Also, they are very strong on set pieces.

Atl. Paranaense is much stronger technically, this is a competition they know well, they were winners in 2019 and finalists in 2021. They know they can't lose this game and they won't make it easy.




