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Good odds & good chances for win! 欧国联意大利VS匈牙利





星期三2022-06-08 02:45


In my opinion Italy have really good chances to make comfortable win in today's match up.

Obviously, Italy won European Cup in great style, but they completely disappointed all supporters because they failed to get qualification into World Cup. Big shame for such football nation. Without any shadow of doubt Mancini and his team have big motivation to perform well in Nations League and maybe even title is their goal. Hungary also failed to qualify into tournament in Qatar as they finished group stage behind Poland and England, simply lack of quality.

Italian coach Mancici straight away tried to find solutions and he decided to refresh the team - some players retired, some players are not called, some players are injured, but in first opening match against Germany we saw 6 debutants. Italy recorded draw 1:1 against strong Germany (they didn't lost any of 10 matches under new coach Flick) and that was deserved result: expected goals scored for Italy 1.47, for Germany 1.74.

Despite so many changes, Italian squad still looks extremely good and for me they have so big potential, many new & young players like Tonali, Scamacca or Raspadori, but they have all required tools to play in the biggest clubs at the biggest stage. In addition to that they have superb players in all formation: Donnarumma in the goal, Bonucci as a defensive formation leader or Barella as heart of the team. For sure they are stronger on the paper than Hungary, even in current shape.

Home advantage should make as well big difference - not too often supporters in Cesena can see matches of their national team so for sure support will be very loud and fanatic.

Hungary is overrated here after their home win against England, but England played simply horrible in their standards. Even on those circumstances that wasn't comfortable win for Hungary as they scored goal from penalty kick. In previous matches they also doesn't looked convincing when they lost at home 0:1 against Serbia and when they recorded away win against Northern Ireland 1:0: that wasn't deserved result at all: expected goals scored for NI 1.31, for Hungary 1.04.

All in all, Italy have big motivation to win front of home crowd and still have too much class for Hungary. Performance against Germany was promising and they are able to make 3 points today in good style.



意大利主帅曼奇奇立即尝试寻找解决方案,他决定让球队焕然一新——一些球员退役,一些球员没有被召唤,一些球员受伤,但在首场对阵德国的比赛中,我们看到了 6 名新秀。意大利以 1:1 战平强大的德国(在新教练弗里克的带领下,他们没有输掉 10 场比赛中的任何一场),这是应得的结果:意大利的预期进球数为 1.47,德国的预期进球数为 1.74。



匈牙利在主场战胜英格兰后在这里被高估了,但英格兰的表现简直糟糕透顶。即使在那些对匈牙利来说并不轻松获胜的情况下,因为他们依靠点球进球。在之前的比赛中,当他们在主场 0:1 输给塞尔维亚,客场以 1:0 战胜北爱尔兰:这根本不是应得的结果:预期进球北爱尔兰 1.31,匈牙利 1.04。

总而言之,意大利有很大的动力在主场观众面前获胜,而匈牙利仍然有较大的差异。对德国的表现看上去很有希望,他们今天能够以良好的风格取得 3 分。
