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  • 846


Atletico too strong





星期三2022-05-04 08:30


America Mineiro finished 8th in Serie A last season, which led the team to qualify for the Copa Libertadores. On the way to the group stage, "Rabbits" eliminated Guarani and Barcelona from Ecuador in the final, and after three rounds of the group stage, they won only one point in the game against the graph rival Atletico MG. Atletico MG became the champions of Brazil last year, and the start in the group stage of the Copa Libertadores was successful. The 2-0 victory over Tolima and two draws brought Atletico five points and the division of the first place with Independiente Del Valle. I think Ecuador and Atletico MG are the strongest clubs in the group and they should qualify for the next phase. The guests have saved the team that won the title last season, Hulk and Zaracho are still there and they are cooperating great with the rest of the team made up of very experienced players. Although this is a city derby, I don't think the host has any desire to go further in this competition, they would have to fight on two fronts, and currently, this team does not have a strong bench to play so many games. Atletico MG is one of the strongest clubs in South America, a lot of money is being invested in them and I don't think they should have any problems tonight against their lesser-known city rival.

My prediction;

Outcome: Atletico MG to win

米内罗美洲上赛季在意甲联赛中获得第 8 名,率领球队晋级南美解放者杯。在晋级小组赛的路上,“兔子”在决赛中淘汰了厄瓜多尔的瓜拉尼和巴塞罗那,小组赛三轮过后,他们在对阵图比对手马竞的比赛中只拿到一分。马竞去年成为巴西冠军,南美解放者杯小组赛首发成功。 2-0 战胜托利马和两场平局,马竞拿到了 5 分,并与 Independiente Del Valle 分道扬镳。我认为厄瓜多尔和马竞是小组中最强的俱乐部,他们应该有资格进入下一阶段。客人们拯救了上赛季夺冠的球队,胡尔克和萨拉乔还在,他们与其他由经验丰富的球员组成的球队配合得很好。虽然这是一场城市德比,但我认为东道主并没有在这场比赛中走得更远的愿望,他们将不得不在两条战线上作战,而目前,这支球队没有一个强大的替补席来打这么多场比赛。 米内罗竞技是南美最强大的俱乐部之一,他们投入了大量资金,我认为他们今晚对阵鲜为人知的同城应该不会有任何问题。

