
沃尔特·卡特利特 Walter Catlett电影作品列表:(一共 150 个电影作品)作为演员的电影作品(数量:147)风流市长 Beau James ------- (1957)四海一家Friendly PersuasionDavy Crockett and the River Pirates ------- (1956)四海一家 Friendly Persuasion ------- (1956)The Gay Nineties ------- (1956)喜临门 Here Comes the Groom ------- (1951)Father Takes the Air ------- (1951)Honeychile ------- (1951)Father Makes Good ------- (1950)Father's Wild Game ------- (1950)钦差大臣 The Inspector General ------- (1949)Dancing in the Dark ------- (1949)Henry, the Rainmaker ------- (1949)Leave It to Henry ------- (1949)Look for the Silver Lining ------- (1949)羽扇蝉衣 Are You with It? ------- (1948)惨绿少年 The Boy with Green Hair ------- (1948)Mr. Reckless ------- (1948)I'll Be Yours ------- (1947)Slightly Scandalous ------- (1946)Riverboat Rhythm ------- (1946)The Man Who Walked Alone ------- (1945)I Love a Bandleader ------- (1945)军中春色 Up in Arms ------- (1944)Ghost Catchers ------- (1944)Three Is a Family ------- (1944)Lake Placid Serenade ------- (1944)Hi, Beautiful ------- (1944)Pardon My Rhythm ------- (1944)Lady, Let's Dance ------- (1944)Hat Check Honey ------- (1944)Her Primitive Man ------- (1944)My Gal Loves Music ------- (1944)春之序曲 His Butler's Sister ------- (1943)They Got Me Covered ------- (1943)Hit Parade of 1943 ------- (1943)Shoe Shine Boy ------- (1943)Fired Wife ------- (1943)West Side Kid ------- (1943)Get Going ------- (1943)Cowboy in Manhattan ------- (1943)How's About It ------- (1943)不是冤家不聚头 My Gal Sal ------- (1942)星钉旗万岁 Star Spangled Rhythm ------- (1942)胜利之歌 Yankee Doodle Dandy ------- (1942)Wild Bill Hickok Rides ------- (1942)Heart of the Golden West ------- (1942)Maisie Gets Her Man ------- (1942)Syncopation ------- (1942)Between Us Girls ------- (1942)Give Out, Sisters ------- (1942)美凤夺鸾/都是夏娃惹的祸 It Started with Eve ------- (1941)Manpower ------- (1941)The Wild Man of Borneo ------- (1941)Steel Against the Sky ------- (1941)Million Dollar Baby ------- (1941)Hello, Sucker ------- (1941)Unfinished Business ------- (1941)Bad Men of Missouri ------- (1941)Sing Another Chorus ------- (1941)Horror Island ------- (1941)You're the One ------- (1941)Honeymoon for Three ------- (1941)木偶奇遇记/匹诺曹 Pinocchio ------- (1940)Li'l Abner ------- (1940)Spring Parade ------- (1940)Pop Always Pays ------- (1940)The Quarterback ------- (1940)Half a Sinner ------- (1940)Blondes and Blunders ------- (1940)Comin' Round the Mountain ------- (1940)You're Next ------- (1940)Alex in Wonderland ------- (1940)Remedy for Riches ------- (1940)Zaza ------- (1939)Exile Express ------- (1939)Kid Nightingale ------- (1939)Static in the Attic ------- (1939)育婴奇谭/魔胎/管教贝贝/育婴记 Bringing Up Baby ------- (1938)横冲直撞 Going Places ------- (1938)Come Up Riches ------- (1937)Love Is News ------- (1937)Love Under Fire ------- (1937)Varsity Show ------- (1937)Danger-Love at Work ------- (1937)Every Day's a Holiday ------- (1937)Wake Up and Live ------- (1937)On the Avenue ------- (1937)迪兹先生进城/富贵浮云 Mr. Deeds Goes to Town ------- (1936)Cain and Mabel ------- (1936)Banjo on My Knee ------- (1936)We Went to College ------- (1936)Four Days' Wonder ------- (1936)Follow Your Heart ------- (1936)Fibbing Fibbers ------- (1936)I Loved a Soldier ------- (1936)Sing Me a Love Song ------- (1936)双城记 A Tale of Two Cities ------- (1935)The Affair of Susan ------- (1935)Every Night at Eight ------- (1935)Elmer Steps Out ------- (1934)Lightning Strikes Twice ------- (1934)Unknown Blonde ------- (1934)Get Along Little Hubby ------- (1934)The Captain Hates the Sea ------- (1934)Arizona to Broadway ------- (1933)Only Yesterday ------- (1933)Daddy Knows Best ------- (1933)Roadhouse Queen ------- (1933)The Big Fibber ------- (1933)Air Maniacs ------- (1933)So This Is Harris! ------- (1933)Husbands' Reunion ------- (1933)Dream Stuff ------- (1933)Olsen's Big Moment ------- (1933)Private Jones ------- (1933)Mama Loves Papa ------- (1933)Caliente Love ------- (1933)Private Wives ------- (1933)血洒后街 Back Street ------- (1932)雨 Rain ------- (1932)Big City Blues ------- (1932)Okay, America! ------- (1932)It's Tough to Be Famous ------- (1932)Rockabye ------- (1932)The Sport Parade ------- (1932)The Expert ------- (1932)Cock of the Air ------- (1932)Sky Devils ------- (1932)犯罪的都市/头条新闻 The Front Page ------- (1931)金发女郎 Platinum Blonde ------- (1931)Maker of Men ------- (1931)Camping Out ------- (1931)One Quiet Night ------- (1931)Honeymoon Trio ------- (1931)Stage Struck ------- (1931)Goldfish Bowl ------- (1931)Let's Go Places ------- (1930)The Florodora Girl ------- (1930)Her Golden Calf ------- (1930)Aunt's in the Pants ------- (1930)The Big Party ------- (1930)Happy Days ------- (1929)Married in Hollywood ------- (1929)Why Leave Home? ------- (1929)The Music Master ------- (1927)Summer Bachelors ------- (1926)Second Youth ------- (1924)作为编剧的电影作品(数量:2) Stage Struck ------- (1931)Why Leave Home? ------- (1929)作为其他职员的电影作品(数量:1)Happy Days ------- (1929)


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