
2002 纪念澳门特别行政区基本法颁布九周年——上苑艺术家作品展2006 上苑艺术家工作室开放展2006 中国宋庄第二届艺术节公共雕塑邀请展2007 夸克艺术空间2007 北京798艺术节主题展"抽离中心的一代—70后艺术展”2007 第四届北京国际画廊博览会2007 环铁庙会展2007 宋庄艺术节 佰富苑文化艺术中心‘之间’展wangzhong1973 Born in Shandong,China2000 Graduated from Central Academy of Fine ArtsCurrently Lives in Beijing,China,Professional ArtistSelected Solo Exhibitions1998 Wang Zhong, The Passage Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts,Beijing,ChinaSelected Group Exhibitions2000 The Special Administrative Region fundamental law that celebrates Macau promulgates nine anniversaries——Artist’s work exhibition On Beijing painter’s village of ShangYuan2006 A public exhibition of sculptures in the 2nd China Songzhuang Town Arts Festival2007 quacart space,Beijing

