
She used to have a cat named Twinkle 『她曾养过一只叫做“闪闪”的猫』Her celebrity idol is Marilyn Monroe『她的偶像是玛丽莲·梦露』She generally describes herself as "chatty"『她形容自己很“健谈”』She wants to get her belly button pierced『她想要穿个脐环』She describes her taste in music as "a mixture of everything"『她形容自己对音乐的品位是“鱼龙混杂”』She’s freaked out by worms, nerds, and fat people bungee jumping『她见到虫子,小白[这个有够讨厌]和胖子蹦极会次元崩坏ORZ』Her worst habit is smoking『她最坏的习惯是抽烟』She attends The Godolphin and Latymer School in London, England『她就读过伦敦的Godolphin和Latymer两所学校,均为女校』She’s graduating high school in 2009『她将在2009年高中毕业』She has a white Apple iPod『她有一个白色的iPod mp3』Both of her parents were actors『她的父母都是演员』She was born in Holland『她出生在荷兰』She is of Dutch and English origin『她是英荷混血』She has one brother, Wilhelm Gaunt or possibly Elwin De Groot, who was born in 1989『她有一个哥哥威廉·冈特,也许叫做Elwin De Groot,1989年生』Her family owns a yacht in Corsica『她家在科西嘉岛经营一条船』She speaks fluent French『她说一口流利的法语』She’s a chocoholic『嗜食巧克力』She takes art classes at her school『在学校学习艺术课程』She wants a piglet or a Maltese puppy as a pet『想要一只小猪或者狗狗做宠物』She was Snow White last Halloween『上个万圣节晚会她扮的是白雪公主』FAVORITES『最喜欢的』Colors: Pink and Green『颜色:粉色和绿色』Lipgloss: Juicy Tubes『唇膏:唇蜜』Drink: Dr. Pepper『饮料:Dr. Pepper』Food: Popcorn『食物:爆米花』Jelly Bean Flavour: Pear『果冻口味:梨子』Candy: Sour Skittles『糖果:Sour Skittles』Animal: Floppy Bunnies『动物:Floppy Bunnies』Brand: Juicy Couture『衣服品牌:Juicy Couture』Car: Volkswagen Type 2 Bus『车:Volkswagen Type 2 Bus』Films『喜欢的电影』: Crash, The Deer Hunter, The Great Escape, Shrek, Clueless, Napoleon Dynamite, Pan’s Labyrinth, Scream, Stand By Me, Working Girl, American Beauty, In Her Shoes,  Mean Girls, The Shawshank Redemption, Thirteen, Pulp Fiction, Belleville - Rendezvous , A Cinderella Story, The Princess Bride, Notting Hill, The Hot Chick, and TrainspottingMusic『喜欢的音乐』: Eminem, Cassie, Black Eyed Peas, Brandy, Chillies, Panic! at the Disco, Ne-yo, Ciara, Eagle Eyed Cherry, Blink 182, Chamillionaire, Lauren Hill, The Grateful Dead, Green  Day, Sean Paul, Kanye West, Trina, PCD, The Killers, Jack Johnson, The Breakfast at Tiffany’s song, Tracy Chapman, Lily Allen, Bittersweet Symphony, Tenacious D, Body Rox, Crazy Town, Sweet Dreams, 50, Kings of Leon, Akon, Cascada, Joni Mitchell, Paulo Nutini, Boy George, Cindi Lauper, and RazorlightTV Shows『喜欢的电视剧』: Desperate Housewives, SKINS, OC, Scrubs, CSI, and Ugly BettyBooks『喜欢的书』: Atonement, The Cement Garden, A Secret History. Time Travelers Wife, The Promise of HappinessPast Time: Partying, shopping, hanging out with friends『闲暇时间喜欢:派对,逛街,跟朋友出去逛』Sport: Ice skating『喜欢的运动:冰球』


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