
独立精神气质:★★★★★ 故事性:★★★★针砭时弊,主题鲜明,具强烈的话题性与现实意义。故事阐述方式发人深思,令人动容,对整个社会亦有振聋发聩的警示作用:救人,无法定义为见义勇为,倒为亲人平添困局;不救,道德如宗教般拷问心灵,唾沫腥子仍能杀死人。三段式的格局很赞,只是如果针对救人与否最终有一些正面的举动,有一些可参考的正解,那会更容易在网络推广传播,否则会由于过于写实、挑战和谐社会而有被禁的风险。——《土豆映像节》点评从鼓励新人的角度出发,我更愿意投给这部电影一票。它虽然不是一部标准长度的剧情长片,但在整体控制上表现出了足够的潜力。对题材的选取,以及对叙事节奏的掌控能力,都属于值得关注的范围。虽然在制作层面有青涩之处和种种不足,但相比其他候选作品,这部电影所呈现出来的影像控制力和叙事能力,是值得让我们期待导演的下一部的。——《土豆映像节》-Instantly gripping. Greatdialog. Professionally shot with cinematic consciousness and consistency in a‘hand-held’ feel. -River Bed sequence develops brilliantly, never allowing theaudience to breath. The money haggling scene is astounding. The juxtapose ofheroism vs opportunism is fantastic. -In some scenes, the story developsextremely quickly without allowing the emotional intensity to set in. Forexample; when the OLD MAN realises the two WORKERS died to saving him. -It isnot immediately clear who the protagonist is. There are multiple storiesbetween the WIFE, the DAUGHTER and the OLD MAN, but they are sparse and I can’thelp but feel the want to get closer, more intimate to a single individual.This could be due to a serious lack of close-ups in the film. By the half-waypoint I still haven’t really read the WIFE’s face. It may be an artisticdecision, but it is not allowing me resonate entirely with the WIFE. -The ‘rainpour-down’ sequence with the kids is brilliantly executed and again, the dialogsurprises you with unexpected outcomes. -Interesting turn of events when thefilm portrays the social repercussions of having taken no action at all. Neither the victim’s family in the first reality, nor the defendant WORKERSin the second reality want to take responsibility. This is an interesting butsomewhat darker look at societies interwoven behavior considering all of theoutcomes. Of course, drama needs to be created, and this film does itincredibly well with a large cast. -The film takes a good stab an analysingsocieties as well as individuals definition of justice, both on a mass viralscale and on an intimate family/partner level too. Intensely interesting anddeep, beyond just the performances and on-screen action. -Fantastic full circleending which not only suggests, rather sinisterly, that you cannot escape yourfate but the group of attackers acted in exactly the same way to what they wereprotesting against. This genre gimmic however, ‘alternateendings/realities’(a la RUN LOLA RUN) is, in my opinion, alittle bit of a ‘cheap’wayto avoid a deeper, more complex narrative and can be very disengaging. -Allround a brilliant, thought provoking film that will stay with me long after thecredits have rolled.———《圣丹斯国际电影节》


Tobias BengtssonTobias Bengtsson